Reality Bites: ‘Transition’ to All Wind & Solar Powered Future Pure Fantasy

Plenty of destructive ideas have been launched on the back of well-crafted propaganda campaigns. The wind and solar industries have used every trick in the PR book, turning pure fantasy into an all-too-real nightmare. Where electricity was once an essential service, which governments went out of their way to insure was available to all-comers, heavily … Continue reading Reality Bites: ‘Transition’ to All Wind & Solar Powered Future Pure Fantasy

How Green Hypocrites Use Energy Illiteracy to Prey on the Gullible and Naive

In Australia, at least, education has been reduced to helping our little darlings understand why they feel the way they do. The hard graft of maths and science has given way to gender theory. Little wonder that the current generation have no idea how energy is produced, how much is consumed and who or what … Continue reading How Green Hypocrites Use Energy Illiteracy to Prey on the Gullible and Naive

Black American Family Sues Wind Power Outfit for Wantonly Bulldozing their Home

**** The goons that people the wind industry are low – to be sure. This is an industry devoid of any moral compass or human empathy, and always quick to ride roughshod over the living: The Wind Industry’s Latest “Killing Fields”: Africans Just “Dying” to “Save the Planet” Farmer’s Fiery Suicide Attempt Follows Land Theft … Continue reading Black American Family Sues Wind Power Outfit for Wantonly Bulldozing their Home