Ethical Vacuum: RE Batteries & All Electric Vehicles Drive Demand For “Blood Minerals”

As the truth gets out, the smugness that comes with owning (and sometimes driving) a Tesla may be harder to maintain than the vehicle itself (see above). The trope has it that soon we’ll all be auto-piloted by EVs charged by electrons lovingly caressed from sunshine and breezes. Although, if that vision is ever realised, … Continue reading Ethical Vacuum: RE Batteries & All Electric Vehicles Drive Demand For “Blood Minerals”

Renewables Generated Demand For Rare Earths Generating Toxic & Lasting Legacy

Sure, China profits from the great wind and solar scam, but it comes with a toxic legacy caused its rare earth processors that make it all possible. Every wind turbine, every all-EV and every solar panel critically depends upon a myriad of so-called ‘rare earths’. The minerals in question have become ‘rare’, of late, as … Continue reading Renewables Generated Demand For Rare Earths Generating Toxic & Lasting Legacy

Smug & Shameless: Exposing ‘Green’ Energy’s Dirty Slave Labour Secret

Unshackling the smug and self-righteous from the fixed and firm belief that their solar panels are saving the world, is no mean feat. The same characters also believe that the Teslas they occasionally drive to the local café and/or that they’ve strapped to their homes to capture a fraction of the six hours of solar … Continue reading Smug & Shameless: Exposing ‘Green’ Energy’s Dirty Slave Labour Secret

Destination Destruction: Wind and Solar ‘Transition’ Devouring Planet’s Dwindling Resources

Miners love wind and solar - demand for iron ore and coal has never looked rosier, and at the heart of every Electric Vehicle, solar panel and wind turbine there’ a bevy of rare minerals which are fast becoming rarer, thanks to our ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future and the … Continue reading Destination Destruction: Wind and Solar ‘Transition’ Devouring Planet’s Dwindling Resources

Punishing Price Tag: Countless Trillions Being Squandered On Unreliable Wind & Solar

There’s a complete reality disconnect among those peddling the ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future: physics, engineering and economics hardly feature in their starry-eyed worldview. So much is evident in the latest policy must have - the net-zero carbon dioxide emissions target. Put aside the fact that it’s yet another opportunity … Continue reading Punishing Price Tag: Countless Trillions Being Squandered On Unreliable Wind & Solar

Rapacious Renewables: How The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Is Devouring the Planet

Crony capitalists aren’t just promoting subsidised wind and solar, they see subsidised Electric Vehicles as yet another means of lining their pockets with taxpayers’ money. The marketing pitch is that this is all for the good of the Planet. Whirling wonders lovingly caressing breezes to capture ‘free energy’; energy-rich sunbeams falling gently onto sheets of … Continue reading Rapacious Renewables: How The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Is Devouring the Planet

Biden’s Rapacious ‘Green’ Dream: Green New Deal Devouring World’s Rare Earth Minerals

Clean’, ‘green’ wind and solar were meant to save the planet, but the obsession with the unreliables will only expedite its consumption. Every solar panel and every wind turbine are an aggregation of minerals, requiring mountains of real energy in their creation. Many of those minerals are scarce, generally referred to as “rare earths”. Thanks … Continue reading Biden’s Rapacious ‘Green’ Dream: Green New Deal Devouring World’s Rare Earth Minerals

Renewables Driven Demand for Rare Earths Leaves America Vulnerable to CCP Extortion

Every wind turbine, every all EV and every solar panel critically depends upon a myriad of so-called ‘rare earths’. The minerals in question have become ‘rare’, of late, as a consequence of the Western world’s insatiable appetite for ‘feelgood’ electricity generated by sunshine and breezes, occasionally stored in giant lithium batteries, as well as the … Continue reading Renewables Driven Demand for Rare Earths Leaves America Vulnerable to CCP Extortion

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Counting the Colossal Cost of Wind & Solar’s Toxic Legacy

Behind every smug Tesla driving show pony, there’s literally a toxic lake of sludge building up somewhere in another part of the world. Every wind turbine, every all EV and every solar panel critically depends upon a myriad of so-called ‘rare earths’. The minerals in question have become ‘rare’, of late, as a consequence of … Continue reading Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Counting the Colossal Cost of Wind & Solar’s Toxic Legacy

In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

There’s a reason not to support heavily subsidised wind and solar: they simply don’t work as meaningful power sources; they never have and never will. A team of Irish and US-based researchers have produced a comprehensive piece of research explaining just why any dollar spent propping up chaotically intermittent wind and solar with taxpayer’s money, … Continue reading In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us