Taxpayers Robbed Again: Offshore Wind Industry Gets More Massive Subsidies

Already the most heavily subsidised ‘industry’ on earth, the wind industry is in need of much more of the same. This time, as Dr John Constable explains below, it’s about politics. [Note to Ed: the renewables scam has always and everywhere been about pure politics] Apparently, wind power outfits have been choosing turbines, associated kit … Continue reading Taxpayers Robbed Again: Offshore Wind Industry Gets More Massive Subsidies

Stand & Deliver: ‘Renewable’ Energy Rent-Seekers 21st Century Highwaymen

Wind and solar rent seekers have all the style and menacing panache of the 17th-century highwaymen. It takes real audacity to look your victims in the eye and demand even more subsidies on top of the obscene pile rent seekers have already drawn from taxpayers and power consumers. But these boys are dripping in audacity. … Continue reading Stand & Deliver: ‘Renewable’ Energy Rent-Seekers 21st Century Highwaymen

No Bid: Offshore Wind Power Now So Expensive It Can’t Find Buyers

So much for all the cheap talk about wind power being cheap. Offshore wind power is so expensive it can’t attract a buyer. In the UK, the last round of the government’s annual auction - which awards 15-year contracts to wind and solar generators, taking their occasional produce at a set price - did not … Continue reading No Bid: Offshore Wind Power Now So Expensive It Can’t Find Buyers

‘Green’ Energy Nirvana Collides With Brutal Reality: Wind & Solar Are Pointless

The world runs on luck and credit. The wind and solar ‘industries’ are running out of both. What might have sounded a little hopeful 20 years ago, sounds utterly ridiculous today. Talk about an all-wind and sun-powered future these days smacks of a mixture of delusion and desperation. Wind turbine manufacturers are bleeding cash, with … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy Nirvana Collides With Brutal Reality: Wind & Solar Are Pointless

Britain’s Wind Industry In Freefall: Rising Costs See More Major Projects Scrapped

The value of subsidies to wind power is falling, while the cost of erecting and operating these things has skyrocketed. The result is a complete collapse in wind power capacity investment in Britain, and elsewhere. The usual suspects are running a mile from projects that were (on paper) worth billions. While the wind industry pretends … Continue reading Britain’s Wind Industry In Freefall: Rising Costs See More Major Projects Scrapped