‘Green’ Insanity: Why Chaotic Wind & Solar Are No Answer to World’s Woes

Suddenly, the Australian press are treating wind power with the contempt it deserves, due to an about-face by former Greens leader, Bob Brown. True it is you won’t hear Dr Bob explaining why heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind power is a meaningless power source. Bob won’t be talking about the toxic lakes of heavy … Continue reading ‘Green’ Insanity: Why Chaotic Wind & Solar Are No Answer to World’s Woes

Self-Censored: Love Media Refuse to Cover Green Leader’s Backflip on Wind Power

Inconvenient facts like the wind industry’s rampant Eagle slaughter troubles the narrative and requires the mainstream press to do backflips to maintain a positive spin. Remember, this is an ‘inevitable’ transition to an all wind and sun powered future. So, the slicing and dicing of millions of birds and bats, the destruction of pristine wilderness … Continue reading Self-Censored: Love Media Refuse to Cover Green Leader’s Backflip on Wind Power

Double Standards: Greens Run Silent on Wind Turbine Bird & Bat & Bug Slaughter

The media went nuts when former Greens leader, Bob Brown turned on a wind farm in his backyard. Rampant hypocrisy, was just the first of the charges levelled at a man renowned for his hatred of reliable and affordable electricity. In the result, the Liberal/National Coalition were very grateful that Dr Bob’s hatred of coal … Continue reading Double Standards: Greens Run Silent on Wind Turbine Bird & Bat & Bug Slaughter

‘Green’ Turns Brown: Australia’s Head Climate Warrior Slams Wind Turbine Eagle Slaughter

Why only yesterday, Bob Brown was railing against coal, now he’s got it in for the wind, too. Well, at least when it comes to wind turbines slicing and dicing Eagles in his patch of paradise, Tasmania. Dr Bob’s recent epiphany concerning the ability of 60 m blades with their tips travelling at over 350 … Continue reading ‘Green’ Turns Brown: Australia’s Head Climate Warrior Slams Wind Turbine Eagle Slaughter