Propaganda Flip: Renewables Cult Claim They Never Said Wind & Solar Would Be Cheap

The wind and solar industries are struggling to win the hearts and minds of householders and businesses being belted by skyrocketing power prices. Built on lies and run on subsidies, it comes as no surprise that the truth about heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar would eventually work its way to the surface. … Continue reading Propaganda Flip: Renewables Cult Claim They Never Said Wind & Solar Would Be Cheap

Wind & Solar Power: Always & Everywhere Totally Unreliable & Insanely Expensive

The wind and sun might be free, but the true and total cost of wind and solar power is truly astronomical. Every country that’s hitched its wagon to the subsidised wind and solar scam has seen retail power prices rocket; with no single exception. Francis Menton has been trawling through the evidence for some time … Continue reading Wind & Solar Power: Always & Everywhere Totally Unreliable & Insanely Expensive

Clown Show: Wind & Solar Obsessed Idiots Now Firmly In Charge of Energy Policy

If the delusion that we’re destined to run on nothing but wind and solar were a disease, it would have been declared a pandemic, long ago. The symptoms are readily observed - a trenchant and unshakeable belief that wind and solar can completely replace, coal, gas and nuclear power - they’re contagious and almost impossible … Continue reading Clown Show: Wind & Solar Obsessed Idiots Now Firmly In Charge of Energy Policy

Misery Guaranteed: Net Zero CO2 Emissions Targets Mean Taxing Prosperity Out of Existence

As the wind and solar ‘transition’ implodes, the response is to tax the life out of anything still moving, crushing power consumers and taxpayers in the bargain. Ronald Reagan’s quip about how governments treat their economies: “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it” is … Continue reading Misery Guaranteed: Net Zero CO2 Emissions Targets Mean Taxing Prosperity Out of Existence

Transition to Poverty: Britain Being Crushed By Staggering Cost of Wind & Solar Obsession

What does the ‘inevitable’ wind and solar transition look like? Try power-starved Britain, where power prices are out of control, with much, much worse to come. Last October, the average annual energy bill was £1,400 ($2,400). Energy industry analyst Cornwall Insight forecasts that the British price cap will skyrocket and the average annual bill will … Continue reading Transition to Poverty: Britain Being Crushed By Staggering Cost of Wind & Solar Obsession

Power Price Shock: Australia’s Renewables Disaster Proves Wind & Solar Ain’t Cheap

In a weather-dependent energy world, those lucky enough to get power when they need it are being forced to pay a king’s ransom for it. Having championed the use of tens of $billions in subsidies to destroy the coal-fired generators that gave Australia its reliable and affordable power supply, Australia’s new Federal Labor government is … Continue reading Power Price Shock: Australia’s Renewables Disaster Proves Wind & Solar Ain’t Cheap

Ingrained Insanity: Self-Inflicted Renewable Energy Disaster Leaves Australians Powerless

Australia is yet another perfect example of how to trash a power supply with heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Germany, California and Texas led the charge and Australia’s so-called renewable energy capital, South Australia was amongst the front runners. SA set the tone with Australia's first statewide blackout - during a spring … Continue reading Ingrained Insanity: Self-Inflicted Renewable Energy Disaster Leaves Australians Powerless