Grand Solar Power Rush Ends With Panels Being Used As Garden Fencing

A decade from now, the wind and solar transition will resemble Alice’s trip down the rabbit hole - a place inhabited by lunatics and where nothing makes sense. Massive and seemingly endless subsidies have perverted the ordinary signals that free and open markets deliver. In Europe, the grand wind and solar rush has come to … Continue reading Grand Solar Power Rush Ends With Panels Being Used As Garden Fencing

Mercenary Audacity: How Crony Capitalists Drive The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

The Climate Industrial Complex is the perfect playground for billionaire crony capitalists: obscene guaranteed profits are underwritten by power consumers and taxpayers; all the risk is born by the same class of suckers; and weather-obsessed politicos are falling over themselves to engineer new and exciting ways of providing a malevolent elite with opportunities to separate … Continue reading Mercenary Audacity: How Crony Capitalists Drive The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Wind Turbines Require Hundreds of Tonnes of Minerals Mined & Processed Using Fossil Fuels

Ignorance is a solid virtue among the wind and sun cult, who apparently believe that wind turbines self-replicate without the need for any assistance from those evil fossil fuels, coal, oil and gas. Their infantile imagination is better placed in a sci-fi pic with indestructible, self-repairing droids, than in earthly reality. An industrial wind turbine … Continue reading Wind Turbines Require Hundreds of Tonnes of Minerals Mined & Processed Using Fossil Fuels