First Movers: Russia and China Dominate Race for Nuclear Power Generation

Nuclear power doesn’t depend on the weather, it doesn’t require batteries and it doesn’t require backup, and it doesn’t depend upon the whims of despots and cartels that control the rare earths and minerals essential for the construction of wind turbines and solar panels. Uranium, the highly-concentrated energy source at its heart, is abundant and … Continue reading First Movers: Russia and China Dominate Race for Nuclear Power Generation

Lack of Concentration: Wind & Solar Use Vast Tracts of Land to Deliver Occasional Power

The occasional generators - wind and solar deliver trivial amounts of electricity and take the best part of a continent to do it. Where land use matters, and it almost always matters, their lack of energy density is yet another reason why wind and solar will never amount to meaningful power generation sources; not now, … Continue reading Lack of Concentration: Wind & Solar Use Vast Tracts of Land to Deliver Occasional Power

Nordic Nuclear Revival: Sweden to Build 10 Large Capacity Plants

Nordics are renowned for their practical, common sense, which is why the likes of Sweden and Finland are backing nuclear power like their nations depend on it. When Finland fired up its 1,600MW Olkiluoto 3 nuclear plant in April this year, power users were bound to notice that average spot electricity prices dropped from €245.98 per … Continue reading Nordic Nuclear Revival: Sweden to Build 10 Large Capacity Plants

Resistance Is Futile: Net-Zero CO2 Targets Can Only Be Met With Nuclear Power

The fact that those pushing net-zero emissions targets aren’t talking seriously about nuclear power, says it all. If energy policy is left in the hands of the wind and sun cult - and other weather-obsessed lunatics - it won't be long before we’re all left sitting freezing or boiling in the dark. Those with financial … Continue reading Resistance Is Futile: Net-Zero CO2 Targets Can Only Be Met With Nuclear Power

Delusional Groupthink Drives Obsession With Chaotically Intermittent Wind & Solar

As in life, government policy is about trade-offs, which usually means plumping for the good rather than the perfect. However, in the de-industrialising West, energy policy is all about rejecting the good in favour of the unworkable. The notion that weather-dependent wind, and weather and sunshine-dependent solar (with or without pumped hydro or mythical mega-batteries) … Continue reading Delusional Groupthink Drives Obsession With Chaotically Intermittent Wind & Solar

Energy Sanity Outbreak: Italy Joins Europe’s Burgeoning Nuclear Power Renaissance

The Finns are in, the French led the way (and they’re demanding more) and now the Italians have joined Europe’s nuclear power renaissance. Italy’s Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni recently reversed her country’s legislated moratorium against the cleanest and most reliable form of power generation there is. Meloni’s move makes way for the reactivation of 3 … Continue reading Energy Sanity Outbreak: Italy Joins Europe’s Burgeoning Nuclear Power Renaissance

Wind & Solar Cult Can’t Mount Convincing Case Against Nuclear Power Generation

When Finland powered up its latest nuclear power plant in April wholesale power prices dropped 75%, almost overnight. The Olkiluoto 3 plant (above) is fully operational, generating 1,600 MW of electricity on demand (irrespective of the weather), and delivering 15% of the country’s power needs. Nuclear now provides around half of the country’s total electricity … Continue reading Wind & Solar Cult Can’t Mount Convincing Case Against Nuclear Power Generation