‘Green’ Energy Slaughter: Offshore Wind Turbines Wiping Out Puffins, Gulls, Gannets & More

The bird carcasses soon pile up wherever the wind industry plies its subsidy-soaked trade. When it comes to wholesale avian slaughter, the offshore industry sets the benchmark.

Offshore wind is already meting out a phenomenal death toll on a whole range of seabirds in the waters surrounding Britain and across the North Sea.

Puffins are being pummelled, gannets and gulls ground out of existence, in their thousands. And all to produce (massively subsidised) electricity in chaotic fits and spurts.

Britain led the ‘green’ energy slaughter of seabirds, now the Dutch want in on the act, as Jason Endfield reports below.

Thousands Of Gannets Will Perish As North Sea ‘Wind Parks’ Expand
Jason Endfield
25 February 2023

The Netherlands government plans to industrialise the North Sea by building thousands of wind turbines, as it attempts to meet goals proposed under the Climate Agreement.

When Dutch citizens objected to renewable energy projects in their countryside, the government turned its attention to offshore development. But at what cost to the environment?

5000 giant turbines killing 8000+ birds each year…
Plans for 5000 giant turbines in the North Sea have caused alarm in some environmental circles, even though the Dutch government has earmarked significant areas of its offshore territory as ‘nature reserves’.

Quite how functional these reserves would be in the midst of an industrialised ‘renewable’ energy zone remains to be seen, and according to a study by Wageningen University, “no one knows what effect extensive wind parks will have, nor what the nature network in the North sea should look like if we want to achieve our climate and nature goals”.
It seems likely that the radical plan will go ahead regardless.

The study suggests that an estimated 3650 gulls and 4400 northern gannets will perish every year through collision with fast moving blades, if the target figure of 5000 turbines is achieved. The University’s marine research ecologist Martin Baptist explained, “that is why we are now looking into ways to scare the seabirds away from the turbines.”

Northern Gannet populations at risk…
With the UK joining the Netherlands in its aspirations to further develop offshore wind farms in the North Sea, many are now wondering how wildlife can possibly survive in such a vast industrial area.

The UK coast is home to more than half of the entire world population of Northern Gannets, an amber listed species of high conservation concern. These magnificent birds are almost as large as an albatross and can live for many years.

Meanwhile, many species of gull are experiencing rapid population decline.

With such drastic plans to industrialise our seas, the long term survival of some species could be in doubt; there is an immediate and credible threat to birds, cetaceans, bats and other wildlife from offshore renewables, in addition to the potentially profound damage wind farms cause to micro marine ecosystems.

In the quest for ‘green’ energy, such a high level of collateral damage is highly problematic.

Following the money – into earth’s last wilderness…
Some scientists and environmentalists have already raised questions over all of these issues, but their concerns have been swept aside as governments wilfully follow their agenda – and the money.

There was a time when the ocean was recognised as the last wilderness on earth, a refuge for many species, safe from humankind’s persistent interference. Alas not any more.

It’s madness to indulge the absurd fantasy that wind energy will save the planet.

Where money is involved, integrity can disappear into the ether, greed is often the primary driver of environmentally questionable projects such as the North Sea ‘wind parks’ – and many similar schemes worldwide.

Labelling them as ‘farms’ and ‘parks’ is a cynical attempt to make them more acceptable to the public. Furthermore, some might say that it is deceitful to promote them as ‘environmentally friendly’, ‘green’ and a solution to the so-called ‘climate crisis’.

More grist for the ‘green’ energy mill.

5 thoughts on “‘Green’ Energy Slaughter: Offshore Wind Turbines Wiping Out Puffins, Gulls, Gannets & More

  1. And yet the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, contrary to all evidence to the contrary, claims wind energy is sustainable.
    Cui bono, as the Romans used to say.

    1. RSBP is being rewarded for their role in the coverup of wind energy’s annihilation of golden eagles in Scotland. They took part in a criminally fraudulent National Golden Eagle survey. Using contrived methodologies, this survey stated that there were more than 500 nesting pairs of golden eagles in Scotland and their numbers were increasing. My estimate, based upon Scotland’s installed turbine capacity and what’s taken place in CA, is that there are fewer than 50 nesting pairs of golden eagles remaining.

  2. If it flies, it will die, then they lie.

    Most people have no idea the real story of the California Condor. Back in 1984-1985, right after thousands of new turbines invaded the Techapachi region, over 1/2 of the California condor population disappeared. Then the USFWS went into emergency mode and trapped the all remaining Condors. But they lied their asses off about why and to this day still do.

    Readers can find out more about the California Condor having to live with green energy at this link.

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