Merry Christmas to Stop These Things’ Followers & Happy Tenth Birthday to STT

Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings to all of our dedicated followers, all around the World. And Happy Birthday to the team at STT: Boxing Day 2022 marks 10 years of giving the wind industry, its parasites and spruikers hell.

We’ve clocked over 5.7 million views and given our loyal readers 3,640 posts, which lay out the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time: wind power.

Our band of dedicated followers include Scots, Canadians, Americans, English, Welsh, Irish, Cornish, Finns, Danes, Germans, Greeks, South Africans, and plenty right here at home.

Pro-farming, pro-fishing, pro-community and pro-reliable and affordable power groups are better informed and organised, and more vocal and hostile, than ever before.

STT would like to think that we’ve helped these dedicated individuals and groups a little, by providing them with the kind of factual ammunition that cuts directly across the treachery, lies and deceit – which are the wind industry’s tools-in-trade.

STT was set up as a sanctuary, where the people who have been tragically impacted by – or who are fighting the threat of – giant industrial wind turbines can speak openly and freely – and without fear of vilification or ridicule. And that’s something we have no intention of changing any time soon. This site is and will remain a troll-free zone.

We think compassion and empathy far greater virtues than the odious form of self-righteous condescension, that marks rent seekers and virtue-signalling zealots, the world over.

STT thanks its loyal band of followers

We know that you are using STT to help spread the message. But that message is delivered with the help of our thousands of followers and supporters.

So, we say thanks to our many operatives here and around the Globe. People who keep us abreast of events, battles and victories. Plenty of what we do is based on what our growing band of STT Champions sends us, so please keep the Tweets, Facebook posts, comments and emails coming in 2023.

Once reasonable people are introduced to the facts about the insane costs of intermittent and unreliable wind power, they cease to support it.

In our travels, we’ve met plenty of people that started out in favour of wind power and turned against it. But we’ve yet to meet anyone who started out opposed to wind power, who later became a supporter. Funny about that.

Hard-working, decent, rural people throughout the world keep fighting back – out to obtain sensible energy policies that support growth, development and vibrant, prosperous rural communities.

These are entirely reasonable people who have tumbled to the fact that they have been lined up as “road-kill” by their political betters to suffer the consequences of a policy built around an insanely expensive, utterly unreliable, intermittent power source – that can only survive on a raft of massive subsidies; kills millions of birds and bats; destroys communities; drives people from their homes; and otherwise makes life misery for thousands around the world.

These people are out to smash a “policy” that – in a few years’ time, when it all inevitably collapses – will be revealed for what it is: an enormous government-backed Ponzi scheme, the foundations for which are greed and stupidity; and the “justification” for which can only be described as a circus of the bizarre. And we’re here to help them.

Time for a little break

As we say goodbye to 2022, STT plans to box up our festive loot, head bush and put our boots up for a while.

STT hopes you all have a great Christmas and that you’re all ready to take it up to them in 2023. We are!

Thanks for your support. Together, we will prevail.

13 thoughts on “Merry Christmas to Stop These Things’ Followers & Happy Tenth Birthday to STT

  1. Thank you for continuing to educate and inform us all on THE TRUTH !!!! I am still astounded how stupid and ignorant those who govern us really are !!! Look forward to the truth from you in 2023 ! Thank you.

  2. Thank you for such a great blog and wish you a great Festive Season too. Also Happy 10th Anniversary. Can’t believe that after a whole decade we are still having to fight the dastardly wind weazels.

  3. Thanks STT for ten years of excellent work exposing the renewables fraud for what it is. Sadly Western government, energy policy unreason shows no sign of diminishing any time soon so the need for your vital work is now greater than ever.
    Merry Christmas and happy new year to all at STT. I hope you will fight on in 2023 to counter the corruption and anti human activism of the renewables cult.

  4. Stop These Things is a breath of fresh, turbine free air, in what is begining to be a cluttered dystopic horizon as the world hits the Green Wall. In addition to well argued and documentable criticism against the wind industry, and to some extent the solar industry, STT also does a good job of educating people on the advantages of nuclear power, especially the coming Generation IV SMRs. Maybe it’s time to broaden our horizon a little in 2023, and add a Generation IV platform to STT called, Start These Things. Start would be a long term strategic plan for replacing wind power with SMR’s. By adding Start we would be offering a powerful solution right along with the problem in all our education and commentary. We could push legislation to allow for Generation IV test Reactors to be plugged into abandon or terminated wind infrastructures. Some people see SMR’s as a solution to even out the intermittent nature of wind, but once SMR’s are in operation there will be no need for wind or solar contraptions at all. By adding Start as an emphasis it seems an endless array of tactical tools for educating the public would open to us. Start a sheet of your own ideas and see how fast you can fill it. If this idea has already been offered by others, consider my contribution spontaneous combustion. Thank you for the great work these last ten years.

    1. Sound suggestions. We agree that emphasising the merits of nuclear power is a worthy exercise. And we will keep doing so. But we think we still have work to do informing people about the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time. Note the comment in this thread from the follower whose understanding of the ‘green’ energy scam came from his engagement with STT. We think it noble work and try to do it nobly. Merry Christmas and thanks for your insights.

  5. Wishing you all at STT a great festive season and a happy 10th birthday.
    Thank you for your hard work, and great posts, over this year, and the whole decade.
    Yep, we’re ready to slap them where it hurts in 2023.

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