Dumb & Dumber: Germany Wins Prize For World’s Most Idiotic Energy Policy

Germany set the gold standard for idiotic renewable energy policies, although the Brits, Californians, Texans and South Australians are keen contenders for that glittering prize.

Thanks to its unhinged obsession with intermittent wind and solar, Germans are in the midst of a power pricing and supply calamity.

Suffering Europe’s highest power prices, is just the beginning.

In a don’t say we didn’t warn you piece, Pierre Gosselin spells out the consequences of running with the dumbest energy policy on earth.

Germany Electricity Prices Soar To World Record Highs After Years Of Energy Policy Folly…Expensive, Unreliable
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
9 February 2022

Germany’s power supply, once mostly made up of a mixture of coal and nuclear power, used to be among the most stable and affordable in the world. Power outages were rare and grid interventions were infrequent.

Greens and socialists then tried electrical power engineering
But then in the 1990s environmental activists and politicians got involved, believing they could manage and design a grid and power supply that would be technically and environmentally superior than what the leading power generation and electrical engineers and experts themselves had in place.

Sun and wind were the way to go, the environmentalist Greens and SPD socialists declared. After all, the wind and sun don’t send electric bills and are “free for the taking”. This they somehow managed to convince the public. And so the greening of the grid began.

2000 EEG feed-in act
In 2000, the coalition government of the Socialists and Greens, led by Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, introduced the EEG renewable green energies feed-in act. What followed was a green energy construction frenzy with hundreds of megawatts of volatile wind and solar capacity being added to the grid every year while nuclear power was shut down.

Today now comes the EED’s price shock. Wind and solar are not free after all. In fact they are outrageously expensive, and they are even more volatile in terms of supply than the country’s Corona policies!

Unstable grid, record high prices
Today German weekly news magazine FOCUS here reports how Germany’s electricity prices have now reached “record” levels: “Germany is the world champion in electricity prices – no country pays more for electricity. According to new data from the German Association of Energy and Water Industries, German households paid an average of 36.19 cents for a kilowatt hour in January 2022.”

That’s over 40 US cents per kilowatt-hour!

Three times higher than international average
“Never before have German consumers had to pay so much,” writes FOCUS. “Germans have to pay almost three times as much for electricity from the outlet compared to the international average. This is mainly due to unusually high taxes and eco-taxes in this country.”

Volatile grid teeters on collapse
What’s worse, the country now teeters on power grid collapse, meaning blackouts are a real threat. Moreover, high-tech computer-controlled production machines and plants rely on a steady supply frequency to operate. As grid frequency becomes increasingly unstable due to the volatile wind and solar power input, the equipment risks costly unplanned production shutdowns. In total this makes Germany a less attractive place to invest, despite its highly skilled labor force.

Half price in some neighboring countries
According to FOCUS, consumer electricity costs significantly less in neighboring countries like Italy, where the price 25 euro-cents, or in Switzerland, Austria and Luxembourg where it is about 23 cents.

In France a kilowatt of electricity is 21 cents, and: “in the Netherlands and Poland only 19 cents. In large countries like the USA (16 cents) or Brazil (14 cents), electricity costs less than half as much as in Germany. In Canada (12 cents) or South Korea (11 cents) consumers pay only a third, in India (8 cents) and China (9 cents) only a quarter of the German price level.”

50% increase in just 2 years!
German industry, which gets a lower price than consumers do, is now paying “an average of 26.64 cents per kilowatt hour”, up from just 17.76 cents in 2020 – that’s a roughly 50% jump! Industrial associations are warning that these astronomical prices are rapidly making Germany unattractive as a place to do business, reports FOCUS.

According to Holger Lösch, Deputy Managing Director of the BDI industry association. “Energy-intensive industries in particular (steel, metals, paper, glass, aluminum, cement) are threatening to move out of Germany.”

No wonder not long ago The Wall Street Journal dubbed it the “world’s dumbest energy policy”.
No Tricks Zone

They never saw it coming.

4 thoughts on “Dumb & Dumber: Germany Wins Prize For World’s Most Idiotic Energy Policy

  1. This certainly aged well:

    “That would be THIS Gerhard Schröder, presumably:
    “He is currently the chairman of the board of Nord Stream AG and of Rosneft””

  2. “…and these are dumkopfs that love just to tell others how good they are”
    I haven’t seen the word ‘dumkopfs’ for quite awhile. Thanks Andy.
    It was German Professor Hermann Scheer who came to Ontario and conned the Liberal government, under Dalton McGuinty to subsidize industrial wind turbines with 20 year contracts and foist them on rural Ontario.The democratic rights of residents were eliminated with the Green Energy Act so they couldn’t oppose this incursion.
    The Liberal government was eventually decimated at the polls……lost their party status.
    Now the contract for the largest project in Ontario will have to be maintained for the next 15 years, unless this current Conservative government can figure out how to end the subsidies and cancel the contracts.

  3. “the coalition government of the Socialists and Greens, led by Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, introduced the EEG renewable green energies feed-in act.”

    That would be THIS Gehard Schroder, presumably:
    “He is currently the chairman of the board of Nord Stream AG and of Rosneft”

    And that is why Germany – and much of the rest of Europe – is dependent on the goodwill of Vladimir Putin for their energy supply…

    Talk about a stitch-up!

  4. Our lokal energy provider claims: 100 % Green electricity.
    The hold certificates from Norway. Thatcher meinst, local current get Green. Due to water coming down the hill in a far away country. And the price is extraordinarily high.
    …and these are dumkopfs that love just to tell others how good they are

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