Coal Saves Germany (Again): Weather Conspires to Cut Annual Wind Power Production by 25%

Germany’s inevitable transition to wind and solar, ain’t so inevitable, after all. Coal-fired power plants have been urgently press-ganged back into action, as the weather conspires to drive wind power output through the floor.

Inherently unreliable, wind power has never powered any serious economy; and never will. The problem with relying upon the weather for your power is, well, the weather! The Germans appear to be learning it, the hard way.

Perhaps proving themselves right on one score (ie that the climate changes, over time) Germany’s wind cult have been left to do some serious green-splaining, following a 25% drop in wind power production during the first half of 2021.

Germany: Coal tops wind as primary electricity source
13 September 2021

In the first half of 2021, coal shot up as the biggest contributor to Germany’s electric grid, while wind power dropped to its lowest level since 2018. Officials say the weather is partly to blame.

Despite efforts to boost renewable energy sources, coal unseated wind power as the biggest energy contributor to the German network in the first six months of 2021, according to official statistics released on Monday.

The data comes as Germany looks to speed up its exit from coal-powered plants after years of mounting pressure from climate experts and activists over the country’s dependence on coal and its detrimental impact in fueling the climate crisis.

But the latest figures also reveal the challenges that lie ahead with the country’s energy shift.

What did the data show?
Data published by the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) found that the production of electricity from “conventional” energy sources rose by 20.9% this year, compared to the first half of 2020.

In total, conventional energy sources — including coal, natural gas and nuclear energy — comprised 56% of the total electricity fed into Germany’s grid in the first half of 2021.

Coal was the leader out of the conventional energy sources, comprising over 27% of Germany’s electricity.

Wind power’s contribution to the electric grid, on the other hand, dropped significantly compared to the previous year — from 29% to 22%.

Wind had been the top producer of electricity, but has now logged its lowest figures since 2018.

Why did renewable energy dip?
Renewable energies in total dropped during the first half of this year — going from the top producers of electricity to comprising 44%.

But what led to wind power’s sudden fall? Statistics officials said the weather was partly to blame.

A lack of wind from January to March this year sharply reduced the amount of electricity produced by Germany’s wind turbines. In contrast, stormy weather in the first quarters of 2019 and 2020 sharply boosted the electricity produced.

Germany is seeking to have wind, solar, biogas, and other renewable energy sources play a bigger role, as the country looks to completely phase out nuclear power by 2022 and coal-fired power plants by 2038.

3 thoughts on “Coal Saves Germany (Again): Weather Conspires to Cut Annual Wind Power Production by 25%

  1. I am re-reading WHEN WILL THE LIGHTS GO OUT?
    by Derek Birkett, in which a retired electrical engineer and grid controller predicted the problems with wind farms and with the policies of wishful thinking. Published in 2010 – his predictions were far more accurate than those by the IPCC,

  2. I’m still waiting for the day when these fakexperts take notice how these wind absorbers are slowing down natural patterns of COOLING and how that affects climate. They of course are not interested in such data which is the fundamental part of how to define A CULT. Does anyone have data on the total thermal units burned each day by the world compared to the total heat generated by the sun each day added to Earth’s system of climate to compare for some real science? Let’s ask their fakexperts. We could also look at the fact that the more heat generated, the more it rises, forever BREAKING RIGHT THROUGH THOSE CARBON BLANKETS like a bullet train in California breaks right through all forms of logic, faster than a politician spends your money for themselves and their friends, which then with the rising air equal opposite forces of cooling occur from the infinite supply of frigid space forever keeping a balance as it’s been for thousands of years.

  3. There is also a problem with the number and efficiency of the windmills. Old ones are probably decommissioning faster than new ones are being installed. Efficiency decreases with age. There is rising local resistance to new wind factories and they are way behind with the program to build transmission lines from the North to the South.
    Is nobody in the administration thinking through the implications of closing the rest of their coal and nuclear capacity?

    Just as well Germany is not an island like Australia!
    That story reported that Germany became a net energy importer in 2019 after exporting for many years – is that still the case (that she is a net importer)?

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