War of The Walds: Germany’s Forests Overrun With Wind Turbines in Dystopian ‘Green’ Nightmare

Germany’s landscape has been carpeted with more than 30,000 gigantic industrial wind turbines: the result is a dystopian nightmare, reminiscent of HG Wells’ The War of the Worlds. Except that the battle is being waged in towns and villages and most visibly in the German walds – with whole forests being clear-felled to make way for these things, rendering the landscape a hideous visual cacophony.

The little more on what your wind powered future might look like, here’s Pierre Gosselin.

Germany’s Enviro-Dystopia: Wind Parks Devastating Rural Regions At Catastrophic Proportions
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
1 December 2020

Germany’s vision of a clean, environmentally friendly energy supply system, all to be discreetly nestled in an idyllic landscape, is in reality morphing into an environmental dystopia of catastrophic proportions.

German wind energy protest group Vernunftkraft.de posted a Youtube video showing how out of control wind energy has gotten in some regions of Germany.

The above video shows, for example the Uckermark region, around Prenzlau.

The Youtube text under the video: “Around Prenzlau alone (up to 15 km) there are about 300 wind turbines. In the entire Uckermark region there are almost 800 wind turbines (2020), and the trend is rising.”

No avian wildlife can survive this.

Rural citizens get steamrolled by Big Wind
What’s left? An entire region whose landscape is totally blighted by noisy industrial towers and is inhospitable to most life. Gone are the tranquility and idyllic beauty the area once enjoyed. The problem is that this region is poor, rural and so stands no chance against big wind project developers and the crony pols behind them, who just steamroll over any reservations or resistance local that residents may try to muster.

Like the old communists, this is another example of what happens when planning and decision-making are left to incompetent and corrupt central-planning policymakers teamed up with greedy crony capitalists out to make a quick buck. A few win big, while the masses lose everything.

In 30 years much of it will remain in ruins, a monument to one of the greatest industrial scams of all time.
No Tricks Zone

9 thoughts on “War of The Walds: Germany’s Forests Overrun With Wind Turbines in Dystopian ‘Green’ Nightmare

  1. This will never end until leaders become leaders of the people and NOT the pockets of the INVESTORS, INDUSTRIALISTS and possibly their own pockets and ‘feel good’ needs.
    Here in SA there is among others a proposal to install 7.4MW turbines 2km from the boundary of the rural historic township of Burra and 1.2 km from residents living outside of the towns limits.
    Yes, the State Government has made changes to the regulations governing the installation of these things with a TOKEN decision of a tiny weeny distance increase in relation to the HEIGHT of turbines installed. (they are still using EPA regulations created in 2009 when turbines were around the 2-3MW capacity.
    But the current changes only allows for the height of these dangerous monsters WHAT ABOUT the declared CAPACITY, surely the greater the capacity the greater the noise, vibration and other harmful outcomes from these things for all human, fauna and flora.
    Also they do not even have to consider the combined noise of the whole project and any others close by when assessing the noise they will produce!
    I have a memory of at one time at the earliest stage of these things being used manufacturers were trying different methods to prevent noise and vibration from them – what ever happened to this idea – did it go down the gurgler when it became obvious they could not stop this harmful effect and have not made any attempt to rectify the problem since because – well of course ‘trained’ scientists and acousticians say everything is OK don’ they.

    Saving the world for whom and what ????????

    1. “I have a memory of at one time at the earliest stage of these things being used manufacturers were trying different methods to prevent noise and vibration from them – what ever happened to this idea – did it go down the gurgler when it became obvious they could not stop this harmful effect and have not made any attempt to rectify the problem since because – well of course ‘trained’ scientists and acousticians say everything is OK don’ they.”

      With the acoustics expert responsible for setting noise standards saying his “favourite part of Aercoustics is the breadth of knowledge in the company that constantly allows for innovation and re-writing of the technical rules used in the industry” is it possible that there’s more to this story?

    2. In our region the wind turbines often go off line for hours or days at a time. No one ever misses the power; no one ever reports the outage. Business goes on as usual whether the wind turbines are turning or not. The difference is that beautiful Holcomb Hills is no longer beautiful.

    3. Non one notices when the wind turbines around our house stop turning (except the residents, who hope it is permanent). The very rare times the coal plant has a problem becomes very important news. When even one power line goes down it is news. But when the wind turbines stop turning no one cares, even if it is a week.

      Even the people who contracted for them seem to be abandoning them. I heard the paychecks are nowhere near what was ‘promised’. One landowner is in the process of selling out from under his contract. 65 or so wind turbines were apparently not enough to pay the bills.

  2. There are proposed wind farms for the Mudgee and Wellington area called Burrendong – we are obviously opposed and was wondering the best way to start lobbying against this going ahead?


    1. We suggest you study our site and fight. Get a legal team together and battle the planning application. Enlist political support, try Craig Kelly, Matt Canavan, Barnaby Joyce. Make media noise, try Ben Fordham, Alan Jones and get them to tell your story. Your argument starts with the fact that wind power is useless and wouldn’t exist without subsidies. Never concede that there is a right place for wind turbines, because that place is always your backyard.

  3. C’est toute l’Europe onshore et offshore que les allemands envahissent avec leurs machines à détruire la nature.

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