Germany’s Fascists March Again With Effort to Crush All Community Opposition to Wind Power

The Nazis destroyed tens of millions of lives and are synonymous with industrialised mass murder. But few realise that Hitler and his gang of monstrous thugs were the first serious wind power advocates.

As Rupert Darwall put it:

German obsession with renewable energy originates deep within its culture. Few know today that the Nazis were the first political party to champion wind power, Hitler calling wind the energy of the future.

Rupert is the author of ‘Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex’ – which traces the roots of modern, human hating, environmental nihilism back to Heinrich Himmler and his warped ‘blood and soil’ ideology.

The Allies’ destruction of Hitler’s Germany and the defeat of the Nazis and all they stood for was meant to put an end to modern fascism.

Well, it seems that among Germany’s so-called ‘Greens’, the ghost of Nazi ideology has re-emerged.

And what’s got them polishing up their jackboots, is the fact that Germany’s rural communities are sick and tired of having their lives and livelihoods destroyed by industrial wind power – with hundreds of well-organised pro-community groups, blocking projects and taking their tormentors to court, successfully suing for damages for the loss of the use and enjoyment of their family homes.

In response, Germany’s new wave of would be dictators have decided to introduce a law that would deem all industrial wind power facilities to be “in the public interest” and essential to “public security”.

NoTricksZone takes a look at the latest move by Germany’s eco-fascists to crush all in their path.

Protesters be Damned…German Bill Aims To Elevate Unstable Green Energies To Status Of “National Security”!
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin (translator)
13 October 2020

Since everyone is preoccupied with Corona, hardly anyone notices what is being decided to continue destroying Germany:

The German government now wants to make the use of renewable energies a question of national security. “The use of renewable energies for electricity generation is in the public interest and serves public security,” says the draft of the new German Renewable Energy Sources Act, on which the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag” reported.

From the point of view of experts, the decision is of enormous significance.
It concerns a energy-political turning point, say legal experts of energy law at the law firm of Luther, Gernot, Engel, reports Die Welt am Sonntag.

In the controversy over the building of wind parks, for example, the reference to “public security” may fundamentally impact court rulings. In court proceedings in connection with the expansion of bioenergy, wind and solar power, the reference to “public safety” could restrict the impact rulings by judges, business representatives fear, according to the “Welt am Sonntag”.

The new norm threatens to become a basis for far-reaching state intervention.
The federal government confirmed to Die Welt am Sonntag that the new state consecrations for eco-energy should make it easier to enforce building applications. “The regulation stipulates an overriding public interest in electricity generation from renewable energies as well as a public security interest,” the Federal Ministry of Economics announced in response to an inquiry by the newspaper.

The specification is important for discretionary and public interest rulings by authorities and institutions.

Latest government power-grab
If this law passes, and it will pass because there is no real opposition apart from the AfD party, the path is cleared for Germany. Then wind turbines will be forced to be built directly next to residential areas, and ownership rights will be undermined.

That is the revolution from above. That is energy fascism. Resistance must be stirred up here – and it fatally reminds us of the power grabbing in these times of Corona!

The massively green electricity damaged Wattenrat East Friesian comments on this new underhanded approach as follows:

The renewable energy industry is insatiable, ideologically consolidated and closely linked to politics – and above all very inventive, if it concerns the preservation of its ecclesiastical income, which is paid by all current customers through the EEG green energy feed in act to the tune of double-digit billions annually.

Now the use of renewable energies is even supposed to “serve public safety”, says the draft of the new Renewable Energy Sources Act. This would make wind farm sites easier to implement. This is incredibly brazen and wrong because the renewable energies (wind and sun) only work depending on the weather. Especially wind power plants endanger the security of supply due to the erratic feed-in through grid instability unstable power grids, are therefore a public safety risk.”

No Tricks Zone

What? You think this hasn’t been done before?

2 thoughts on “Germany’s Fascists March Again With Effort to Crush All Community Opposition to Wind Power

  1. Nazi? Call them what they called themselves – National Socialists.
    But todays socialists do not like the connection, so Nazi is their preferred term for Far Right.

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