Fool’s Paradise: Germany’s Renewable Policy an Economic & Environmental Disaster

Merkel plays Head Jester: but Germans aren’t laughing.


Germany has long been held up as the poster child for wind and solar power, but the picture is now more tragedy, than triumph.

In Germany, around €130 billion has already been burnt on renewable subsidies; currently the green energy levy costs power consumers €56 million every day. And, the level of subsidy for wind and solar sees Germans paying €20 billion a year for power that gets sold on the power exchange for around €2 billion.

Squandering €18 billion a year on power – which Germans have in abundance from meaningful sources – has them asking the fair and reasonable question: just how much power are they getting for the €billions that they’ve thrown – and continue to throw at wind and solar? The answer – at a piddling 3.3% – is: NOT MUCH.

For Germans, that would all be miserable enough, except that – contrary to the purported environmental purpose of their Energiewende – CO2 emissions are rising, not falling as promised and predicted.

If “saving” the planet is – as we are repeatedly told – all about reducing man-made emissions of an odourless, colourless, naturally occurring trace gas, essential for all life on earth – then German energy/environmental policy has manifestly failed. And what an expensive failure it is.

It’s taken a decade, but now German politics is taking a turn for the better. Where barely a few years ago no one was prepared to call the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time, for what it is, more than a quarter of the German Parliament is ready to bring the scam to an end, and salvage their Country.

Here’s No Tricks Zone detailing how a growing number of Germans no longer wish to live in Angela Merkel’s own version of a Fool’s Paradise.

Powerful Opposition To ‘Energiewende’ Storms Into German Parliament… “Eco-Populist Voodoo”
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
13 February 2018

As Germany’s established CDU and SPD “mainstream” parties find themselves imploding, the smaller parties who oppose Germany’s out-of-control Energiewende (transition to green energies) are rapidly becoming a formidable force and making their presence felt in Germany’s national parliament like never before.

For example Germany’s FDP Free Democrats, who refused to forge a coalition government together with CDU/CSU and Green parties, have become increasingly vocal critics of Germany’s green energy scheme.

Politicians ignoring the concerns of its citizens
Last month in her first speech ever in the German Parliament, FDP parliamentarian Sandra Weeser slammed the struggling Energiewende and the latest signals to promote it even further.

In her speech Weeser points out that despite the rapidly growing green energy capacity being installed, the effort to reduce CO2 has failed, and what’s left is an unpredictable power grid that often produces energy when it is not needed (waste energy) and thus costing Germans hundreds of millions annually.

She also accuses the established politicians of ignoring citizens as they ruin Germany’s landscape with wind parks:

“Interestingly it is often Green party voters who we find themselves among wind park protesters. In their daily lives these people are recognizing that what is being sold as green electricity in fact has nothing to do with being green. They are rejecting the industrial turbines in forests.”

Weeser then tells that the expansion of the green energies is totally out of proportion with the existing power infrastructure, and that even the most perfect grid will not be able to handle the volatile wind and solar energies.

Electricity “outrageously expensive”
Weeser also dismisses claims by the Green Party that wind energy is “the most inexpensive” on the market, asking them directly: “If that is really true, then why do they need subsidies? Why are we paying 25 billion euros annually for their feed-in?”

Green engineering debacle
Finally she mentions that an array of expert panels have determined that wind energy is not leading to more climate protection, but rather is only making electricity outrageously expensive. In her final comment, Weeser says:

“Policymakers should set up the framework conditions, but please leave the engineering to engineers.”

Anti-wind/solar energy AfD soars to 15% in polls
Also Dr. Rainer Kraft of the Germany’s newly minted rightwing AfD party recently demolished the Energiewende in his first speech before Parliament in Berlin:

According to Kraft, the Parliamentary session on renewable energy requested by the Greens is welcome because it exposes their “incapability to comprehend the factual and physical interrelationships” of the subject.

Policy of a fool…eco-socialist economy
Kraft slams the government’s climate-protection approach of spending “15 euros to avoid 1 euro of damage” as a policy one would expect from “a fool”. Adding: “there just couldn’t be less scientific understanding than that.”

Echoing Donald Trump’s ideas on international treaties, Kraft also sees them as being ruinous to German industry, and that the ultimate target of climate protection is to establish “an eco-socialist centrally-planned economy” and that climate protection is the “instrument” to bring it about.

He then labeled the Greens’ energy policy as “eco-populist voodoo”.

With so much going wrong with the Energiewende, the FDP and AfD today are having an easy time capitalizing politically on the issue and portraying the government and the Greens as inept.

Vocal green energy critics make up 25% of Parliament
According to recent polls, the FDP and AfD now combine to make up a quarter of Germany’s voters. And now that this anti-Energiewende voice is finally being democratically heard in Parliament and viewed by millions on television screens nationally, expect the traditional established parties to continue seeing the unheard of erosion among their disenchanted voter bases. Never has postwar Germany seen a political shift on such a massive scale.

Tipping point
Though 25% may not sound impressive, it is amazing when one considers that only a decade ago there was virtually universal parliamentary support for green energies. Those days are over.

And now as the failure of the Energiewende becomes ever more glaring, reaching the political tipping point on the issue of the Energiewende is just a question of a few more years.
No Tricks Zone

Angela Merkel’s energy advisers take a well-earned break.

4 thoughts on “Fool’s Paradise: Germany’s Renewable Policy an Economic & Environmental Disaster

  1. Keine Sorge liebe Australier,wir Deutsche werden mit unserer Erneuerbaren Energie bis zum bitteren Blackout durchmarschieren. Wir sind unübertrefflich Energieidioten und entsorgen uns selbst zum Wohle der Welt.

  2. Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    “Energiewende – CO2 emissions are rising, not falling as promised and predicted.

    If “saving” the planet is – as we are repeatedly told – all about reducing man-made emissions of an odourless, colourless, naturally occurring trace gas, essential for all life on earth – then German energy/environmental policy has manifestly failed. And what an expensive failure it is.”

    NUFF said.

  3. Somewhat ironic that the Germans are apparently even more stupid than us here in Australia – but we’re closing the gap very quickly.

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