Ontario’s Wind Power Obsession Punishing Thousands: 390,000 Families Struggling to Pay Power Bills & 58,000 Disconnected

Kathleen Wynne’s Plan delivers misery to the poorest & most vulnerable.


To the poorest and most vulnerable, power prices really do matter. Wherever governments have determined to throw billions of dollars in subsidies at intermittent wind and solar power, power prices have rocketed and the poor suffer.

In renewables obsessed Australia, 42,000 families now suffer from the modern phenomenon of ‘energy poverty’ (see our post here).

Families either struggle to pay power bills – forced to make a choice between heating or eating; or, unable to pay those bills, retailers simply chop them from the grid.

Bear in mind that this is all for the ‘greater good’ and, as we’re told repeatedly, it’s an ‘inevitable transition’, just like the Internet. Except that people can live meaningful and comfortable lives without the Internet. However, deprive them of affordable electricity and their lives become a constant, grinding misery. Here’s a take on the tale from Ontario.

Hydro customer debt and disconnections soar under Kathleen Wynne
Toronto Sun
James Wallace
22 December 2017

New numbers posted by the Ontario Energy Board paint a painful picture of how hydro customers have fared under Kathleen Wynne’s government.

During the past four years, under Wynne’s watch, there’s been a 19% increase in residential hydro disconnections, a 28% increase in arrears and a 40% increase in customer debt owed to provincial electricity distributors.

Over the same time period, those utilities saw just a 4% increase in new customers.

The numbers depressingly illustrate the degree to which Ontarians have increasingly struggled to pay their hydro bills.

They also nakedly expose the fact there’s nothing “fair” about the way the Liberals are treating hydro customers. That’s a political lie and a fiction perpetuated by a desperate government that’s resorted to marketing slogans in place of sound policy to address the mess they’ve made.

Here’s what the numbers show:

  • In 2013, Ontario electricity distributors cumulatively had 4,416,713 customers, a number that grew to almost 4,598,314 customers in 2016 — a 4% increase over four years;
  • The number of accounts disconnected for non-payment grew almost 19% from 49,130 to 58,286 over the same period;
  • The number of accounts in arrears increased 28% from 307,822 to 392,963;
  • And the amount of arrears debt owed by customers increased a staggering 40% from $96,461,640 to $134,885,199.

Clearly, a growing number of Ontarians struggled under the Wynne government to pay their hydro bills over that time.

“The numbers are quite staggering,” said PC energy critic Todd Smith. “Things are not getting better under the Liberals.”

In fact, he said, former Ontario Auditor General Jim McCarter predicted with “Kreskin-like” accuracy, back in 2011, that this would happen.

At the time, McCarter raised red flags over the Liberal government’s decision to spend billions of dollars on wind and solar power projects without proper oversight.

“While this helped these projects get off the ground quickly, their high cost will add significantly to ratepayers’ electricity bills in the future,” McCarter predicted at the time, a suggestion the Liberals scoffed at.

The consequence, over the past four years, has been escalating hydro bill problems for consumers rooted in a flawed, mismanaged and ideological Liberal government plan that wasted billions of dollars promoting and overpaying for unneeded green energy.

And although the Liberals have introduced plans to limit disconnections and reduce rates by 25%, the reduction is temporary, will cost future customers $4 billion and rates are poised to skyrocket after the 2018 election. It does nothing to address growing consumer debt.

“Unless something is done to actually lower the cost to generate and produce electricity in three to four years you’re going see these numbers spike again,” Smith said.

The real-world consequence is that families across the province are struggling with record debt and growing difficulty paying their bills, said Nipissing Conservative MP Vic Fedeli.

Fedeli said families are in his northern constituency office on an almost daily basis looking for help to deal with hydro bills.

“Here we are a couple of days before Christmas and we’ve got people in here,” Fedeli said. “We have families who absolutely have to decide whether they can heat or eat.” “That’s real,” he said. “This falls directly at the feet of Kathleen Wynne and the Liberal government of Ontario.”

A request for comment from Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault’s office was referred to Hydro One.

Meanwhile, the Liberals continue to pump out “Fair Hydro Plan” propaganda suggesting they actually have a plan.

“Ontario is lowering electricity bills for all residential customers as part of a significant system restructuring that will address long-standing policy challenges and ensure greater fairness,” says a current post on the Thibeault’s Energy Ministry’s website under the title “Ontario is cutting electricity bills.”

For many Ontario families this holiday season, it sure as hell doesn’t seem that way.
Toronto Sun

Merry Christmas, Son – Kathleen Wynne sends her best wishes.

5 thoughts on “Ontario’s Wind Power Obsession Punishing Thousands: 390,000 Families Struggling to Pay Power Bills & 58,000 Disconnected

  1. How many times can a person receive this canned response, with no further follow-up for months on end, if ever, before they lose all faith in their government and feel genuinely disenfranchised?
    Kathleen Wynne does not “value” our input. Her words are hollow and she is disingenuous.

    “Thanks for your email. I value your input and appreciate your taking the time to get in touch with me.
    Every email and letter I receive is carefully read and reviewed. Given the volume of emails and letters I receive, and because I may need to share your message with one of my Cabinet ministers or the appropriate government officials for more information, a response may take several business days.
    Thanks again for contacting me.
    Kathleen Wynne

    Thanks STT. It helps so much to know that “the world is watching’.

  2. It’s the same story repeated over and over again. Environmentalists, global warming fanatics, SJW, liberals of all shades, none of these people give a hoot about people.

    Or as Scrooge said,
    “Are there no prisons?”
    “And the Union workhouses?…Are they still in operation?”
    “The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?”
    “Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,” said Scrooge. “I’m very glad to hear it.”

    As for the poor, “…and those who are badly off must go there.”

    “Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.”

    “If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”

    Yes, Scrooge was a man who was ahead of his time.

  3. A Very Happy New Year to all of you.I appreciate very much the work that you do for all of us. As an aged individual may I request that you continue to shake all of us up. Thank you.
    Douglas Stewart

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