Victory in Vermont: Community Defenders Crush Wind Power Outfit’s Plan to Destroy Pristine Mountain Range

Annette Smith savours the coolest of her many successes.


STT has covered the fight by Vermonters to save their pristine Green Mountains from the scourge of industrial wind turbines, many times.

In this post we share in their delight, as they celebrate their successful battle to save the Herrick Mountain range in Ira and Poultney, next to Birdseye Mountain from 60 of these things – aka 160m high, 290 tonne, subsidy-sucking bird and bat killers.

Thanks to the organized efforts of Vermonters for a Clean Environment, headed by Annette Smith (above) and Justin Lindholm, the mountains in the background are now and forever a state wildlife management area, instead of an industrial wind power factory.

Mountains, wildlife took precedence over 60 windmills
Rutland Herald
Jensen Afield
8 April 2017

The best advice: “Do not burn yourself out. Be as I am— a reluctant enthusiast … a part time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it is still there. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, encounter the grizz, climb the mountains, bag the peaks. Run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, that lovely, mysterious and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to the body, the body active and alive, and I promise you this much: I promise you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those deskbound people with their hearts in a safe deposit box and their eyes hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this much: You will outlive the bastards.”  Edward Abbey (1927-1989)

Those words, on a large plaque, were given to me years ago by one of my sons. The plaque sits off to the side of my work desk and, to this day, I am moved by Abbey’s passion for wild places, the importance of holding onto those wild places, and why we should trek through those places.

Abbey’s reflections on “The Best Advice” came back to me after an interview with two Vermonters who deserve a great deal of credit for their work to preserve an untouched stretch of pristine land in Rutland County.

Thanks to the hard work of local people, everyday Vermonters who love the land and, in particular, Annette Smith and Justin Lindholm, two people who worked like hell, we have a huge parcel of prime property in which to “ramble,” a large chunk of land that, if those people “hypnotized” by profits had their way, the mountain tops of that wild land would forever be marked by the languid swoosh-swoosh-swoosh of 60 giant windmills.

Instead, the forested tract of land that totals about 2,870 acres has been designated by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources as a rare and irreplaceable natural area. Fortunately, it is connected to the Bird Mountain Wildlife Management Area, about 770 acres, to bring the new, yet unnamed WMA to more than 3,640 acres.

In all, the land that makes up the new WMA encompasses three Rutland County towns — Ira, Poultney and Castleton.

Smith, the executive director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment, said that, in order to preserve the values and purposes of the wildlife management area, no residential, commercial, industrial or mining activities will ever be permitted. “This is a valuable gem of a property to be held for the public in perpetuity,” Smith said.

Smith said that after the VCE worked with community members to save the land from development, it was conserved through the efforts of the Conservation Fund (Nancy Bell) and Vermont Fish & Wildlife (commissioners Patrick Berry and Louis Porter), along with donations from individuals and the federal Pittman-Roberson Act fund. The Vermont Housing and Conservation Board and the Vermont Land Trust are also participants in the purchase of the land.

So, what is the moral to this tale, this story about how people stood up to preserve what Lindholm, a Mendon resident who serves on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board, has described as a precious tract of land that is both “fragile and wild?” Paraphrasing a quote from Margaret Mead, Smith said in an interview, “Never underestimate the impact one person can have. One person can make a difference.” She went on to say, “The one thing that Vermonters have in common is they love their mountains.”

While both Smith and Lindholm each praised the other for the long hours of work they put into saving the property from windmills, Smith said this: “Justin’s contribution was enormous. It made a huge difference.”

How significant was Smith’s role? She rallied homeowners and landowners to attend meetings, get involved and, ultimately, to get the town of Ira to vote down, by a 4-1 margin, the windmill proposal.

She was so instrumental in preventing a series of ridgelines in Rutland Country from becoming littered with windmills that the Burlington Free Press, in January of this year, named Smith its “2016 Vermonter of the Year.”

The newspaper’s editorial board wrote: “As executive director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment, the Danby resident has organized communities, testified before government boards and advised residents who felt powerless in the face of state bureaucracies and big business … A common thread among those who have sought out Smith is that she helps better the odds against a wealthier, more knowledgeable and better funded adversary.”

In 1974, Lindholm purchased 132 acres of Birdseye Mountain and later sold the parcel to Vermont Fish & Wildlife, making it part of what is today called the Bird Mountain Wildlife Management Area. “I owned most of the cliffs and the top of the (Birdseye) mountain,” Lindholm said. “I consider this, now, to be our No. 1 wildlife management area in the state because of the diversity of the plant and animal life.”

Lindholm and Smith teamed up early on because both of them had been involved in the proposed large-scale wind turbine project in Lowell. Today, 21 wind turbines, each 459-feet tall, have sprouted from the ridgeline of the Lowell Mountains.

“We learned from Lowell,” Smith said According to Lindholm, Smith does her homework and then goes after a cause with a fierce determination.

“When they wanted to put up those wind turbines, she gave them a voice,” Lindholm said of the landowners and property owners in Ira, Middletown Springs, Poultney, Castleton, Tinmouth, Clarendon and West Rutland who were affected by the wind turbine proposals. “She gives them a voice in the process, the whole process of figuring out whether they ought to be there. She finds weaknesses in the opposition. She becomes informative. Information is power, and that’s what she specializes in. She organizes. She organizes the town, informing the people. She puts everything on the table so that informed decisions can be made.”

I asked Smith to evaluate the fact that this tract of land has been preserved. She said, “Even after I’m gone, this land is going to be accessible to the public in perpetuity and, to me, that is something I never had as a goal. At the end of the day, when you look at what is success, to be effective in the work of environmental protection, that is the gold standard.”

Sometime soon, the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department will officially open the new wildlife management area, one of the largest in the state.

So, at some time in the future, if you hear a lusty tom turkey gobbling up there on a rocky ridge, if you’re taking in a spectacular sunset or if you marvel at the sight of a peregrine falcon winging overhead at this expanded wildlife management area, you might want to stop, pause and give thanks to two Vermonters who did most of the work to make it all happen — Annette Smith and Justin Lindholm.
Rutland Herald

That ain’t no Green Mountain.

6 thoughts on “Victory in Vermont: Community Defenders Crush Wind Power Outfit’s Plan to Destroy Pristine Mountain Range

  1. It’s a wonderful achievement and they richly deserve our admiration.
    Just getting individuals to accept these things damage the environment is hard enough let alone getting a whole district and mountain range re-assigned to being returned to its rightful place as a natural wonder worthy of protection is absolutely fantastic.
    Unfortunately here in Australia we do not have Politicians and true environmentalists who will fight for this. They would rather see such places having ‘mitigation’ programs prepared – which are nothing more than approved destruction of our wonderful environments and all creatures and flora they contain.
    We do have many people working hard to prevent the destruction but they are spread far and wide across this wonderful land, and our Governments ensure their voices and concerns cannot, or are restricted from being considered.
    Only the industry has any rights in this country.
    We have become a Nation controlled by the Wind Industry, even the ideologically challenged who assisted this industry are now powerless to stop it – UNLESS they take the bull by the horns or turbine by the blades and removes the RET and RECs and gives the people back the power to reject the invasion of these things.
    Only then will we once again be able to save our environments, and eventually have the right to insist these things are removed from our landscapes and lives.
    But for that to occur we need Governments and politicians with the fortitude to accept they were wrong, accept they have been fooled, lied to and sucked into believing in Fairy Tales, and are ready to be seen to do a ‘U’ turn for the good of the Nation not their personal beliefs – after all they are their to work for us and not to Dictate to us – they are there to protect our interests and those of the environment and Nation not the wishes of ‘outsiders’ who only want to make money out of us and who care little for the environment as long as they get what they want.
    We need leaders with the capability to do what has been done in Vermont – listen to the people and the environment.

  2. Great article, made my day. My heart goes out to Annette and Justin,and what they have accomplished. I’ve always loved the peace, quietness, and majestic beauty of the Green Mountains. My love for the Mountains started when dad took my sister and I skiing in central and southern Vermont, in the late 50’s. He preferred Vermont to New Hampshire or Maine. I actually live in East Boston,Ma.But that’s due to change shortly. My heart belongs in the country,and that’s where I’m heading to enjoy. It’s people like you that keep the beauty of the mountains intact, for generations to enjoy. THANK YOU

  3. A legacy of which Annette and Justin may be rightly proud. An inspiration to everyone fighting the unequal battle against the imposition of a technology known to be harmful on every front. We shall inevitably see many more reports like this as the public, globally, wake up to the wilful blindness exhibited by our governments and responsible authorities – compounded by the fact that claims made for C02 emission savings and benefits remain unproven. Intense lobbying by the wind industry will fail as court cases relating to health damage impacts steadily rise – also causing the tipping point of risk for investors to be reached. That cannot come too soon.

  4. Congratulations to Annette and Justin for their hard work and success at keeping out the green vandalism from their beautiful Vermont neighborhood. I am part of a committee that’s worked for years trying to keep an offshore wind project in Lake Erie near Cleveland called the “Icebreaker” – from being developed by the wind zealots. Not only are mountains threatened but so are the beautiful Great Lakes. We are dedicated and won’t give up but it’s not easy.

    Al Isselhard
    Wolcott, NY
    Great Lakes Wind Truth

  5. Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    It’s hard to even believe there’s a mere dispute between climate-obsessed-CO2-green-eco-nuts and other nature lovers over the decimation of pristine landscapes to make way for weather dependent industrial windmills (backed up 24/7/365 by fossil fuels) that are meant to “Save the planet”!?

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