Inconvenient Truths: Sunset & Calm Weather Mean Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

No country has ever powered itself entirely on wind and solar; no country ever will. And the reason is very simple: sunset and calm weather. Pressed on the inherent intermittency of wind and solar, the acolyte starts muttering about “storage” as if it were a thing. It isn’t and, for reasons of physics and economics, … Continue reading Inconvenient Truths: Sunset & Calm Weather Mean Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

Obsession With Unreliable Wind Power Turns Britain’s Power Supply Into 90 Pound Weakling

Pin your energy hopes to the weather and prepare for sudden and unpredictable disappointment. Britain’s done just that: an obsession with chaotically intermittent wind power has left its grid in terminal condition turning its once reliable power supply into a 90 pound weakling; blackouts are odds-on this winter and power prices are set to rocket. … Continue reading Obsession With Unreliable Wind Power Turns Britain’s Power Supply Into 90 Pound Weakling

Fact Check: Why Intermittent Wind & Solar Will Never Replace Fossil Fuels

The wind and solar ‘industries’ were built on lies and run on subsidies. As to the former, for more than 20 years a phalanx of propagandists has worked overtime to literally turn night into day. Lines like the ‘wind is always blowing somewhere’, ‘sunset’s not a problem’, this ‘wind farm will power XXX hundred thousand … Continue reading Fact Check: Why Intermittent Wind & Solar Will Never Replace Fossil Fuels

Renewable Energy’s Dirty Dozen: 12 Reasons Why Chaotically Intermittent & Heavily Subsidised Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense

It takes a special brand of delusion to believe that the world can run on sunshine and breezes. For wind and sun worshippers, disastrous examples like South Australia - where mass blackouts and load shedding have become the new normal - require not just practiced delusion but a form of self-flagellating stoicism, as well. Oh, … Continue reading Renewable Energy’s Dirty Dozen: 12 Reasons Why Chaotically Intermittent & Heavily Subsidised Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense

‘Green’ Energy Still an Expensive Joke: Fossil Fuel’s Contribution to World Energy Demand Continues to Rise

  Among their deluded repertoire of mantras, wind and sun worshippers cite the ‘death of coal’ (and all fossil fuels) as an article of faith. We’re repeatedly bombarded in the mainstream press about how sunshine and breezes (nature’s wonder fuels) will soon replace conventional fossil-fuelled electricity generators, altogether. Indeed, were also told that this so-called … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy Still an Expensive Joke: Fossil Fuel’s Contribution to World Energy Demand Continues to Rise

Power Punters to Pay Double for Wind Power “FAILS” – REAL Power Generators Paid to Cover Wind Power Fraud

 **** The hackneyed myth that wind power “powers” millions of homes with wonderful “free” wind energy is taking a beating around the globe (see our posts here and here). The idea that a wholly weather dependent power generation source can ever be – as is touted endlessly by the wind industry and its parasites – … Continue reading Power Punters to Pay Double for Wind Power “FAILS” – REAL Power Generators Paid to Cover Wind Power Fraud

Australian Senator – Matt Canavan – Slams “Greens” Hypocrisy & Skewers the Great Wind Power Fraud

**** Queensland National’s Senator, Matt Canavan gets it. An economist by trade, having worked for the Productivity Commission, he’s got a head for facts and figures. Matt’s reasoned musings have graced the pages of STT a couple of times: Senator Matt Canavan: mandatory RET is an Enormous Wind Industry Protection Racket Senator Matt Canavan: Australia’s … Continue reading Australian Senator – Matt Canavan – Slams “Greens” Hypocrisy & Skewers the Great Wind Power Fraud

Reliance on Wind Power: Playing a Lethal Game

A power generation system that can’t produce power on demand is no system at all. Wind power – entirely dependent on the weather – has consistently proven itself incapable of supplying meaningful power - requiring 100% of its capacity to be backed up by fossil fuel generation sources 100% of the time, both here (see … Continue reading Reliance on Wind Power: Playing a Lethal Game