Wind Industry Moaning About Lack of Wind: Dark & Malevolent Forces Blamed

The wind industry led with its chin making wild claims about powering X million homes around-the-clock. As subsidised wind and solar undercut reliable generators (thanks to the subsidies and preferential scheduling) and ultimately knock them out of the market, the sporadic, chaotic and only occasional delivery of wind and solar becomes glaringly obvious. Wind power … Continue reading Wind Industry Moaning About Lack of Wind: Dark & Malevolent Forces Blamed

Slashed By Weather: America’s Wind Power Output Plummets 14% To Record Low

America’s wind industry is moaning about the lack of wind, much like the Ancient Mariner becalmed and befuddled by the weather. Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down, ‘Twas sad as sad could be; And we did speak only to break The silence of the sea! All in a hot and copper sky, The … Continue reading Slashed By Weather: America’s Wind Power Output Plummets 14% To Record Low

It’s The Weather, Stupid: When The Wind Won’t Blow, The Power Don’t Flow

The wind industry and its acolytes are none too happy with the weather, because when the wind don’t blow, the power just don’t flow. At a loss to brush away the inherent chaos involved with wind power delivery, these characters are left to curse what they call ‘wind droughts’, as if the weather was something … Continue reading It’s The Weather, Stupid: When The Wind Won’t Blow, The Power Don’t Flow

Weather Conspires: Wind Industry Battered By Persistent & Pernicious ‘Wind Droughts’

To call Australia’s wind power output “pathetic” is to flatter it. Turbines with a total capacity of 10,277 MW are spread from Far North Queensland, across New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia - and all connected to the Eastern Grid. On rare occasions, the combined output reaches around 60% of their total notional … Continue reading Weather Conspires: Wind Industry Battered By Persistent & Pernicious ‘Wind Droughts’

Powering Down: Wind Industry Being Crippled By Relentless Wind Droughts

Long bursts of calm weather are no mystery to sailors and kite flyers, but the wind industry apparently never got the memo. Hence the type of indignation expressed when the wind fails to materialize - in its financial statements, Australian outfit, Infigen has repeatedly cursed the Wind Gods for its often-dismal profit results. The industry … Continue reading Powering Down: Wind Industry Being Crippled By Relentless Wind Droughts

Renewables Cult Accuse Weather of Conspiring Against Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Ideologues are quick to find a conspiracy, whenever their pet belief ultimately fails. So it is with the renewables cult - accusing mother nature of dishing up “dark doldrums”, or “dunkelflaute” (as the Germans call it) - with seemingly increasing regularity. Cloudy, calm weather is seen as a curse, and the lengthy absence of suitably … Continue reading Renewables Cult Accuse Weather of Conspiring Against Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Forget About Intermittent Wind & Solar If You Want Power As And When You Need It

As immutable laws, solar output collapses when the sun sets and wind power output collapses when calm weather sets in (and when wind speeds hit gale force and turbines automatically shut down). No amount of spin doctoring, varnishing or linguistic invention can undo them. Rafe Champion builds on those laws with his ‘iron triangle of … Continue reading Forget About Intermittent Wind & Solar If You Want Power As And When You Need It

Dead Calm Weather Exposes The Great ‘Green’ Energy Lie Almost Every Single Day

If you believe that the ‘cheque’s in the mail’, ‘the wind is always blowing somewhere’ and ‘the sun never sets’, you’ll believe anything. STT is dedicated to exposing the lie that we are well on our way to an inevitable transition to an all-wind and sun-powered future. What’s depicted above – courtesy of Aneroid Energy – … Continue reading Dead Calm Weather Exposes The Great ‘Green’ Energy Lie Almost Every Single Day