Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Rent-seekers and the wind and sun cult who run with them are in a flat panic as they realise that their game is up. Mouthing off about an ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future was always going to come unstuck. Reality has a tendency of biting back. Every calm night (ie … Continue reading Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Wind Dependency: When Calm Weather Sets In Get Ready For Major Blackouts

The heroic attempt to increasingly rely on unreliable wind power ultimately reveals itself as suicidal. Driving reliable conventional generators off the grid and hoping that they will be replaced (in substance) by chaotically intermittent wind power comes with a grab bag of consequences. Rocketing power prices follow as night follows day; the result of incorporating … Continue reading Wind Dependency: When Calm Weather Sets In Get Ready For Major Blackouts