Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Rent-seekers and the wind and sun cult who run with them are in a flat panic as they realise that their game is up. Mouthing off about an ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future was always going to come unstuck. Reality has a tendency of biting back. Every calm night (ie … Continue reading Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Renewable Energy Outfits Tell Power Consumers: Start Enjoying Routine Blackouts

Keep adding wind and solar to your grid and get ready for not only rocketing power bills, but routine power rationing. Once upon a time, electricity was cheap and it flowed like running water. Civil and ordered society demanded it. Nowadays, when the sun sets and calm weather sets in, wind and solar power can’t … Continue reading Renewable Energy Outfits Tell Power Consumers: Start Enjoying Routine Blackouts

Wind & Solar Transition Guaranteed to Deliver Mass Blackouts This Summer

The ‘transition’ to portable electric generators, flashlights and candles is well on its way. The inevitable consequence of attempting to run on sunshine and breezes is having power only when the sun is up and the wind is blowing, just right. Grid-scale energy storage is a myth, as is waffle about so-called ‘green’ hydrogen. The … Continue reading Wind & Solar Transition Guaranteed to Deliver Mass Blackouts This Summer