Crony Capitalists Reckon ‘Green’ Energy Too Expensive to Make ‘Green’ Hydrogen

The myth of producing ‘green’ hydrogen using nothing but wind and solar is yet another effort by crony capitalists to separate taxpayers from their money. If ‘green’ hydrogen was economically feasible, then entrepreneurs would be throwing every penny they could muster at something with so much (apparent) promise. The fact that their first port of … Continue reading Crony Capitalists Reckon ‘Green’ Energy Too Expensive to Make ‘Green’ Hydrogen

Planned Energy Armageddon: Net Zero CO2 Targets Designed by Delusional Maniacs

Setting targets about reducing the trivial amount of carbon oxide gas generated by humans is one thing, but asserting that wind and solar are the only way of doing so is positively bonkers. Assume for the moment that there is some point and purpose to net zero targets (a whopping assumption, for sure). Then the … Continue reading Planned Energy Armageddon: Net Zero CO2 Targets Designed by Delusional Maniacs

Political Power Shift: More Voters Refuse to Swallow Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Lie

Opening a crushing power bill while sitting freezing (or boiling) in the dark focuses attention on the obvious and only cause: heavily subsidised and hopelessly intermittent wind and solar. Delivered according to the whims of mother nature rather than the demands of human industry, activity and endeavour, wind and solar power were never going to … Continue reading Political Power Shift: More Voters Refuse to Swallow Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Lie