Wind Industry Moaning About Lack of Wind: Dark & Malevolent Forces Blamed

The wind industry led with its chin making wild claims about powering X million homes around-the-clock. As subsidised wind and solar undercut reliable generators (thanks to the subsidies and preferential scheduling) and ultimately knock them out of the market, the sporadic, chaotic and only occasional delivery of wind and solar becomes glaringly obvious. Wind power … Continue reading Wind Industry Moaning About Lack of Wind: Dark & Malevolent Forces Blamed

Chaotic Wind Power Output Leaves Power-Starved Texans Praying To Wind Gods

Banking on the wind for your daily power needs is prone to disappoint. From the moment human beings harnessed thermal energy the path of industrial and modern civilisation was set. No more begging for beneficial breezes to spin that mill. Power could be had as and when we needed it, not when mother nature felt … Continue reading Chaotic Wind Power Output Leaves Power-Starved Texans Praying To Wind Gods

It’s The Weather, Stupid: When The Wind Won’t Blow, The Power Don’t Flow

The wind industry and its acolytes are none too happy with the weather, because when the wind don’t blow, the power just don’t flow. At a loss to brush away the inherent chaos involved with wind power delivery, these characters are left to curse what they call ‘wind droughts’, as if the weather was something … Continue reading It’s The Weather, Stupid: When The Wind Won’t Blow, The Power Don’t Flow