Don’t Follow the Leader: Learning From Europe’s Renewable Energy Disaster

Europe’s wind and solar ‘transition’ is like watching a train wreck on constant repeat. Germany led the charge and is suffering the inevitable and entirely predictable consequences, with crushing power prices and routine power rationing. Some of Germany’s neighbours had the wit and temerity to not play follow the leader, or were in a position … Continue reading Don’t Follow the Leader: Learning From Europe’s Renewable Energy Disaster

Swedes Embrace Nuclear & Join Europe’s Grand Rejection Of Wind & Solar Transition

In the 1980s, the Swedes set out to ditch nuclear power and meet a 100% renewable energy target. Now, in the mother of all reversals, Sweden has decided to follow its neighbour - Finland - with its own move towards safe, reliable and affordable nuclear power. The Finns are well ahead of the curve. When Finland … Continue reading Swedes Embrace Nuclear & Join Europe’s Grand Rejection Of Wind & Solar Transition