Grand Delusion: Why Battery Storage Can’t Fix Wind & Solar’s Intermittency Problem

Claims that mega-batteries will fix wind and solar’s natural intermittency problem turn out to be mega-myths. First, lithium-ion batteries of the kind pitched by Tesla (see above) - like every kind of battery - do not generate a single watt of power and are net consumers of electricity during their charge/discharge phase. Second, they are … Continue reading Grand Delusion: Why Battery Storage Can’t Fix Wind & Solar’s Intermittency Problem

Permanent No-hopers: Batteries No Solution For Wind & Solar’s Inherent Intermittency

Wind and solar have justly earned the tag ‘unreliables’: sunset and calm weather are inevitable, whereas the so-called ‘inevitable renewable energy transition’, is anything but. The Germans call it ‘dunkelflaute’ - meaning a period of gloomy, windless weather and a total collapse in output from their more than 30,000 wind turbines and millions of solar … Continue reading Permanent No-hopers: Batteries No Solution For Wind & Solar’s Inherent Intermittency

In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

There’s a reason not to support heavily subsidised wind and solar: they simply don’t work as meaningful power sources; they never have and never will. A team of Irish and US-based researchers have produced a comprehensive piece of research explaining just why any dollar spent propping up chaotically intermittent wind and solar with taxpayer’s money, … Continue reading In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

Impossible Dream: Why Promise Of All Wind & Sun Powered Future Is Complete Nonsense

The dream of an all wind and sun powered future is more like a recurring nightmare: chaotically intermittent, critically dependent upon massive and endless subsidies and environmentally destructive, the idea that millions of giant industrial wind turbines and seas of solar panels will somehow benefit the planet beggars belief. In two detailed and well-crafted videos … Continue reading Impossible Dream: Why Promise Of All Wind & Sun Powered Future Is Complete Nonsense