‘Progressive’ Power Policy: Ever-Increasing Prices & Ever-Decreasing Reliability

If your idea of progress means never having power when you need it most, and never being able to afford it when you do get it, then the grand wind and solar transition is for you. Guaranteed to deliver a power pricing and supply calamity, every time, heavily subsidised wind and solar are said to … Continue reading ‘Progressive’ Power Policy: Ever-Increasing Prices & Ever-Decreasing Reliability

Why Naturally Intermittent Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Europeans with any sense have woken up to the fact that the much-touted wind and solar ‘transition’ is a cruel hoax driven by cynical crony capitalists and their political enablers. Driven by starry-eyed ideology, rather than sound engineering and economics, the great ‘green’ reset fell apart because households, businesses and industries aren’t prepared to limit … Continue reading Why Naturally Intermittent Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Clown Show: Wind & Solar Obsessed Idiots Now Firmly In Charge of Energy Policy

If the delusion that we’re destined to run on nothing but wind and solar were a disease, it would have been declared a pandemic, long ago. The symptoms are readily observed - a trenchant and unshakeable belief that wind and solar can completely replace, coal, gas and nuclear power - they’re contagious and almost impossible … Continue reading Clown Show: Wind & Solar Obsessed Idiots Now Firmly In Charge of Energy Policy

Dark Ages: South Australia’s Solar Power Obsession Threatens Total ‘System Black’

Keen to rely on solar panels for your power? Then get ready for one hell of a bumpy ride. A maniacal reliance on chaotically intermittent wind and solar poses an existential threat to Australia’s power grid. So far, it’s been limited to “demand management” (a euphemism for controlled blackouts) and in wind and solar obsessed … Continue reading Dark Ages: South Australia’s Solar Power Obsession Threatens Total ‘System Black’

Renewables Deliver Grid Chaos As COVID-19 Lockdown Slashes Power Demand

Across the globe, all manner of businesses have been forced to shut their doors and their owners and employees now find themselves in forced lockdown at home, devouring Netflix and junkfood delivered by Uber-eats. The COVID-19 responses might vary in severity country by country, but the wholesale reduction in air-travel, transport, traffic, the movement of … Continue reading Renewables Deliver Grid Chaos As COVID-19 Lockdown Slashes Power Demand

Volt Wars: Why Your Neighbour’s Solar Panels Are Cooking Your Computer & Blowing Your Lightglobes, Etc

Electricity generation started off as an extension of science. These days, it’s all about vanity and virtue signalling. Not least those millions of shiny solar panels, which we’ve all helped subsidise - to allow our neighbours to bask in their own virtuous glow. At the theoretical level - when the sun is up and the … Continue reading Volt Wars: Why Your Neighbour’s Solar Panels Are Cooking Your Computer & Blowing Your Lightglobes, Etc