All Washed Up: World’s Largest Floating Solar Plant Destroyed By Rough Weather

The wind and solar ‘industries’ are best explained by the fact that the players are always using someone else’s money. Namely yours, as taxpayers and power consumers. The point is best illustrated by the idiotic nature of the enterprise. Expecting entirely wind-dependent and/or sunshine and weather-dependent generation sources to deliver power around-the-clock sounds stupid enough. … Continue reading All Washed Up: World’s Largest Floating Solar Plant Destroyed By Rough Weather

Snow Job: Why Sunshine-Dependent Solar Will Never Provide Meaningful Power

Anyone claiming that solar power is a meaningful power source, has never seen a sunset, and they can’t have never seen a hurricane, hailstorm, or snowfall, or witnessed an icy frost. Because each of those planetary and meteorological events destroys either the panels themselves, or their ability to provide power consumers with electricity. In this … Continue reading Snow Job: Why Sunshine-Dependent Solar Will Never Provide Meaningful Power

High Winds & Hailstones Destroy Solar Panels/Hot Weather Destroys Their Output

Solar panels are not the most robust of power generation sources. A blanket of snow and ice readily kills their occasional, sunshine-dependent output. They tend not to appreciate gale-force winds (see above) and hailstones of any substance are usually fatal (see below). A few weeks ago, STT reported on a burst of hot weather in … Continue reading High Winds & Hailstones Destroy Solar Panels/Hot Weather Destroys Their Output