Cuomo’s Curse: New York Governor’s $47,000,000,000 Wind & Solar Boondoggle

A decade from now, New Yorkers will rue the day that Andrew Cuomo determined to run their state on chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Like everywhere else that’s attempted to run on sunshine and breezes, New York’s power prices are bound to rocket out of control and its enviable grid reliability will soon become a … Continue reading Cuomo’s Curse: New York Governor’s $47,000,000,000 Wind & Solar Boondoggle

Cuomo’s Cover-Up: Colossal Cost of New York’s Wind Power Subsidies Finally Revealed

The wind industry is built on lies and runs on subsidies. But, in a rare turn of events, an effort to cover up the cost of those subsidies has come unstuck, in grand style. Initially, Andrew Cuomo’s cronies put forward a lowball figure for the cost of subsidies to wind power in New York State, … Continue reading Cuomo’s Cover-Up: Colossal Cost of New York’s Wind Power Subsidies Finally Revealed

New York’s RE Debacle Deepens: Offshore Wind Power All-at-Sea Without Massive Subsidies

Where the cost of onshore wind power is staggering, the cost of offshore wind power is astronomical. Of course, in either case, in the absence of massive and perpetual subsidies, there would never have been a single turbine constructed on land or at sea, ever, period. New York State’ Governor, Andrew Cuomo is just the … Continue reading New York’s RE Debacle Deepens: Offshore Wind Power All-at-Sea Without Massive Subsidies

Delusion & Fantasy Drives RE Advocates’ Bizarre Claims of All-Wind & Solar Powered Future

Anyone pumping wind and solar in 2018 is rightly regarded as a little ‘touched’, but those still suggesting an all wind and sun powered future are positively ‘certifiable’. Millions of solar panels have been strewn around the planet; and hundreds of thousands of wind turbines have been speared in every corner of both hemispheres. And … Continue reading Delusion & Fantasy Drives RE Advocates’ Bizarre Claims of All-Wind & Solar Powered Future