Real Environmentalists Back Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

The faux environmentalist is easy to spot: he loves industrial wind power and couldn’t care less about the environmental destruction it causes. Faced with the rampant slaughter of birds and bats, he initially denies the evidence and then pushes the moral equivalence button, claiming that more birds are killed by cats, cars and skyscrapers. Ignoring … Continue reading Real Environmentalists Back Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Licenced Exterminators: Government Greenlights Wind Industry’s Mass Koala Kill

As the wind industry rips up huge tracts of Australia’s wilderness, including pristine tropical forests, the iconic koala is literally for the chop. The wind industry treats the koala as yet another expendable critter - just like whales, dolphins, eagles, hawks, bats and more. The US offshore wind industry has been given the green light … Continue reading Licenced Exterminators: Government Greenlights Wind Industry’s Mass Koala Kill

No More: Time to Stop the Wind Industry Wrecking Our Pristine Forests

Destroying pristine forests and wrecking critical wildlife habitats is all in a day’s work for the wind industry. Whether it’s wiping out millions of trees across the Scottish Highlands, turning Germany’s Black Forest into sawdust and smoking ruins or ripping the Amazon basin apart to extract the millions of tonnes of balsa wood it needs to … Continue reading No More: Time to Stop the Wind Industry Wrecking Our Pristine Forests

Delusional Groupthink Drives Obsession With Chaotically Intermittent Wind & Solar

As in life, government policy is about trade-offs, which usually means plumping for the good rather than the perfect. However, in the de-industrialising West, energy policy is all about rejecting the good in favour of the unworkable. The notion that weather-dependent wind, and weather and sunshine-dependent solar (with or without pumped hydro or mythical mega-batteries) … Continue reading Delusional Groupthink Drives Obsession With Chaotically Intermittent Wind & Solar