Poverty Trap: Wind & Solar Obsession Delivers (Perfectly Avoidable) Economic Disaster

The staggering cost of carpeting the countryside with forests of wind turbines and seas of solar panels are ultimately borne by you: the unwitting taxpayer and power consumer. There is no commercial value in wind and solar power because there is no demand for electricity that can’t be delivered as and when consumers need it. … Continue reading Poverty Trap: Wind & Solar Obsession Delivers (Perfectly Avoidable) Economic Disaster

Shredded: Wind & Solar Transition Delivers Economy-Crushing Power Prices

Subsidised wind and solar are driving power prices into orbit and whole industries into bankruptcy around the globe. Australia, is no exception. When wind and solar acolytes start talking about ‘cheap renewables’ powering a manufacturing renaissance you know you really are dealing with a deranged cult. Heading up the cult in Australia is the PM, … Continue reading Shredded: Wind & Solar Transition Delivers Economy-Crushing Power Prices

Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Perfectly Engineered For Ultimate (Costly) Failure

Once ideologues replaced engineers, reliable and affordable electricity supplies were doomed. It began 20 years ago, with massive subsidies for the occasional production of electricity using wind turbines and solar panels. There was no shortage of perfectly reliable electricity at the time. Back then, electricity was not only reliably delivered on demand, it was cheap. … Continue reading Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Perfectly Engineered For Ultimate (Costly) Failure

Germany’s Wind & Solar Obsessed Energy ‘Policy’ Is National Economic Suicide

Germany’s energy ‘policy’ reads like a national suicide pact, one that’s delivered a perfectly predictable power pricing and supply catastrophe. For the crippling prices and routine rationing that’s followed, Germans can thank their purported leaders and their unhinged obsession with chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Already suffering Europe’s highest power prices, German households and businesses … Continue reading Germany’s Wind & Solar Obsessed Energy ‘Policy’ Is National Economic Suicide

All Wind & Promises: New US Study Reveals Another Great ‘Green’ Jobs Hoax

The rocketing power prices caused by subsidised wind and solar have destroyed thousands of jobs in manufacturing and mineral processing, for starters. But, retorts the renewable energy rent seeker, think of all the green jobs ‘created’ by the wind and solar industries. Whether you call it a ‘Green New Deal’ or a ‘Great Green Reset’, … Continue reading All Wind & Promises: New US Study Reveals Another Great ‘Green’ Jobs Hoax

Wind Industry Jobs Myth Turning Britain Into Venezuelan Economic Basket Case

The ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future comes with a promise of an endless sea of ‘groovy’ sustainable jobs in the manufacture of solar panels and wind turbines and much more, besides. However, across the globe, the great ‘green’ jobs ‘bonanza’ is being revealed for the hoax that it truly is. … Continue reading Wind Industry Jobs Myth Turning Britain Into Venezuelan Economic Basket Case

Labor’s Power Brawl: ALP’s Hard-Green Left Destroying Workers’ Party With Wind & Solar Obsession

  Australia’s Labor Party was started in 1891 by QLD sheepshearers on strike, fighting for better wages and conditions; over a Century it became the party of ideas. Nowadays, it is unrecognizable, on either score. A hard-green left intelligentsia hijacked the party, long ago; pushing nonsensical CO2 emissions and renewable energy targets, and an anti-mining … Continue reading Labor’s Power Brawl: ALP’s Hard-Green Left Destroying Workers’ Party With Wind & Solar Obsession

Snap Back From COVID-19 Crisis? Try Snapping Out Of The Obsession With Wind & Solar

  COVID-19 has left Australia’s economy a victim of involuntarily euthanasia; what’s not been wiped out by insane renewable energy policies has been finished off by government enforced lockdowns. Australia’s PM, Scott Morrison talks about the economy enjoying a “snap back”, once the restrictions on business and movements are lifted. As if the deliberate destruction … Continue reading Snap Back From COVID-19 Crisis? Try Snapping Out Of The Obsession With Wind & Solar

Recession Buster: Australia’s Economic Recovery Depends On Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power

  A Chinese virus has taken up where Australia’s suicidal energy policies left off; crushing the entire economy, rather than just energy hungry industries, like manufacturing and mineral processing. Well, in truth, it’s the political reaction to COVID-19 that’s done the damage, rather than the pathogen itself. Having destroyed the hospitality and tourism sectors overnight, … Continue reading Recession Buster: Australia’s Economic Recovery Depends On Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power

Down Tools: Australia’s Most Powerful Workers Union Rejects Unreliable Wind & Solar

Labor – aka the ‘Workers Party’ – remains determined to destroy whole industries and thousands of jobs with a 50% RET and a giant ‘carbon’ tax. Business and job destroying policies that helped it comfortably lose the ‘unloseable’ Federal election in May, and which its deluded front bench simply can’t bear to let go. Australian … Continue reading Down Tools: Australia’s Most Powerful Workers Union Rejects Unreliable Wind & Solar