Last Chance Saloon: Nuclear Shift Offers Best Hope For Affordable & Reliable Power

Without doubt, coal-fired power remains the cheapest and most reliable form of power generation, bar none. Which is why hundreds of new plants are being built across China, India, Indonesia and elsewhere in Asia. However, in Australia, and elsewhere in the deindustrialising West, coal-fired power has been declared public enemy number one by a cult … Continue reading Last Chance Saloon: Nuclear Shift Offers Best Hope For Affordable & Reliable Power

If Your Country’s Not Backing Nuclear Power It’s Probably Going Backwards

Rent-seekers and the wind and solar cult have conniptions at the merest mention of nuclear power, principally because it works around-the-clock. No need for batteries. No need for back up. Wild claims about the purported benefits of wind and solar never survive the first contact with reality. So, acolytes have to defer and deflect on … Continue reading If Your Country’s Not Backing Nuclear Power It’s Probably Going Backwards

Nuclear Energy Should Be Promoted Simply Because It’s Safe, Reliable & Affordable

Renewables driven power pricing and supply calamities have led to the dreaded ‘N’ word being uttered in public. Nuclear power is back in vogue and attracting plenty of attention, some of it for all the right reasons. While climate alarmists keep banging on about carbon dioxide gas (and politicians keep listening) any power source that … Continue reading Nuclear Energy Should Be Promoted Simply Because It’s Safe, Reliable & Affordable

Policy No Brainer: New Finnish Government Backs Grand Nuclear Power Expansion

Safe, ever-reliable and always affordable nuclear power is a no-brainer. Especially for those worked up about carbon dioxide gas, nuclear being the only stand-alone generation source that does not generate CO2 in the process. Finland gets it, and has done for decades. Nuclear power is the largest source of energy in Finland, with a current … Continue reading Policy No Brainer: New Finnish Government Backs Grand Nuclear Power Expansion

Safe As: Why Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power Is The Safest Energy Source Of All

As the grand wind and solar ‘transition’ descends into a calamitous farce, nuclear power is now being taken seriously, at long last. That Australia, one of the world’s largest uranium exporters, doesn’t rely on nuclear power astonishes those from the 30 countries where you’ll find nearly 450 nuclear reactors currently operating – including the French, Americans, … Continue reading Safe As: Why Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power Is The Safest Energy Source Of All

Nuclear Renaissance Heralds Immortal Age of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power

Nuclear power isn’t expensive: the nuclear-powered French pay around half what wind and solar-powered Danes and Germans do (see above). And the French don’t suffer the power rationing and blackouts their German neighbours do, when the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in. Indeed, it’s nuclear power from France and coal-fired power from Poland that … Continue reading Nuclear Renaissance Heralds Immortal Age of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power

Endless Energy: Nuclear Provides Prospect of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Forever

Putin’s Ukrainian adventure has Europeans talking about nuclear power as if their existence depends on it. Threaten to deprive people of access to reliable and affordable energy and the love affair with wind and solar is soon forgotten. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to explain the relationship between total collapses in wind and solar … Continue reading Endless Energy: Nuclear Provides Prospect of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Forever

Anti-Nuke Activists Afraid of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

If you want people to toe the line, make them afraid. It’s worked a treat for the anti-economic progress crowd in their campaign against nuclear power. It’s the same insidious force that has millions of Australians constantly locked down, cowering under their quilts, thanks to the threat of a virus that’s on a par with … Continue reading Anti-Nuke Activists Afraid of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Nuclear Waste: Nothing Like the Problem Imagined by Anti-Nuke Squad

Nuclear power is the only stand-alone generation system that does not emit carbon dioxide gas during the process. And it works - 24 x 7, whatever the weather. Which is one reason why wind and solar rent seekers hate it. Beat ups about the risks from radiation and nuclear-nonevents - such as the damage suffered … Continue reading Nuclear Waste: Nothing Like the Problem Imagined by Anti-Nuke Squad

Nuclear: Time to Back The Safest System Power Generation Of Them All

The renewable energy cult keeps telling us that the only way forward is backwards: ie a life dependent upon the time of day and the weather. Of course, if anyone wants hot showers and cold beer, wind and solar haven’t a hope of delivering them on cue. It’s passing strange that the same crowd that … Continue reading Nuclear: Time to Back The Safest System Power Generation Of Them All