Nuclear Power 101: Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Generation In-A-Nutshell

The perfectly inevitable failure of weather-dependent wind and solar has made way for the perfectly inevitable rise of nuclear power as the premier generation source of the future. Anyone with their snouts in the wind and solar subsidy trough hates nuclear power for the same reasons we promote it: it works 24 x 365, whatever … Continue reading Nuclear Power 101: Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Generation In-A-Nutshell

Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Rattled By New Nuclear Power Policy

The wind and sun cult’s infantile reaction to nuclear power demonstrates that it’s the generation source for grown-ups. But it’s not so much the reaction of the propagandists and cheer squad that matters, it’s the response from those profiting from the wind and solar scam that determines the political playing field from here on. Nothing … Continue reading Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Rattled By New Nuclear Power Policy

Grand Energy Deception: Unpacking The Worldwide $5 Trillion Renewable Energy Scam

The heralded wind and solar ‘transition’ has already revealed itself as among the greatest deceptions ever pulled. Harry Houdini would have been impressed with the wind and sun cult’s ability to turn night into day and twist logic and reason beyond even the most delusional imagination. As Nick Giambruno details in this punchy little essay, … Continue reading Grand Energy Deception: Unpacking The Worldwide $5 Trillion Renewable Energy Scam

Nuclear Energy Should Be Promoted Simply Because It’s Safe, Reliable & Affordable

Renewables driven power pricing and supply calamities have led to the dreaded ‘N’ word being uttered in public. Nuclear power is back in vogue and attracting plenty of attention, some of it for all the right reasons. While climate alarmists keep banging on about carbon dioxide gas (and politicians keep listening) any power source that … Continue reading Nuclear Energy Should Be Promoted Simply Because It’s Safe, Reliable & Affordable

Australia’s Self-Inflicted Wind & Solar Calamity Demands Permanent Nuclear Power Solution

The fastest way to get people thinking about where their power comes from is to deprive them of it. A lengthy evening blackout will do it, every time. Australia’s Eastern Grid (that connects Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia) is a veritable house of cards - a coal-fired power plant … Continue reading Australia’s Self-Inflicted Wind & Solar Calamity Demands Permanent Nuclear Power Solution

Europe’s Wind & Solar Disaster Heralds Nuclear Power’s New Beginning

Like planting trees, the best time to build nuclear power plants was 20 years ago, the next best time is right now. Before climate cultists started demonising coal-fired power, the world was awash in reliable and affordable electricity. Now, however, the crowd that berates us about human-generated carbon dioxide gas are hellbent on destroying coal … Continue reading Europe’s Wind & Solar Disaster Heralds Nuclear Power’s New Beginning

Nuclear Renaissance Heralds Immortal Age of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power

Nuclear power isn’t expensive: the nuclear-powered French pay around half what wind and solar-powered Danes and Germans do (see above). And the French don’t suffer the power rationing and blackouts their German neighbours do, when the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in. Indeed, it’s nuclear power from France and coal-fired power from Poland that … Continue reading Nuclear Renaissance Heralds Immortal Age of Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power

Wind & Solar Debacle Means It’s Time To Bring Small Nuclear Reactors Onshore

SMRs are no pipe dream: 200 small nuclear reactors are presently powering 160 ships and submarines all around the world, and have been for decades. What’s on foot is a move to bring those reactors onshore and use them to shore up power grids being wrecked by the chaotic intermittency of wind and solar. STT promotes … Continue reading Wind & Solar Debacle Means It’s Time To Bring Small Nuclear Reactors Onshore

No Time To Lose: Reliable, Affordable Emissions Free Nuclear Power’s Time Is Right Now

Anyone talking about reducing carbon dioxide emissions and not talking about nuclear power, can’t be taken seriously. Europe’s months-long wind drought in the last half of 2021 demonstrated the dangerous futility of attempting to rely on mother nature for your energy needs. Which is why the French, among others, are now talking about nuclear power as if it … Continue reading No Time To Lose: Reliable, Affordable Emissions Free Nuclear Power’s Time Is Right Now

Real Energy Solution: Intermittent Wind & Solar No Match For Small Nuclear Reactors

200 small nuclear reactors are presently powering 160 ships and submarines all around the world, and have been for decades. What’s on foot is a move to bring those reactors onshore and use them to shore up power grids being wrecked by the chaotic intermittency of wind and solar. STT promotes nuclear power because it … Continue reading Real Energy Solution: Intermittent Wind & Solar No Match For Small Nuclear Reactors