Adults Only: Intellectual Infants Reject Safe & Reliable Nuclear Power Generation

Safe, reliable and affordable, nuclear power ticks all the boxes, including being the only stand-alone power generation source that can satisfy those fretting about human-generated carbon dioxide gas, by not generating any during the generating process. As the rest of the world crab walk away from their subsidised wind and solar catastrophes, embracing nuclear power … Continue reading Adults Only: Intellectual Infants Reject Safe & Reliable Nuclear Power Generation

Clean, Safe & Reliable Nuclear Power the Environment’s Best Friend

Wind and solar have lost their ‘social licence’; the masses no longer believe the ‘clean and green’ propaganda. Wrecked communities, wrecked environments and wrecked economies are too difficult to hide or spin away. Once people get a grip on the great wind and solar scam, their conversion is irreversible. The original trope had it that … Continue reading Clean, Safe & Reliable Nuclear Power the Environment’s Best Friend

Don’t Follow the Leader: Learning From Europe’s Renewable Energy Disaster

Europe’s wind and solar ‘transition’ is like watching a train wreck on constant repeat. Germany led the charge and is suffering the inevitable and entirely predictable consequences, with crushing power prices and routine power rationing. Some of Germany’s neighbours had the wit and temerity to not play follow the leader, or were in a position … Continue reading Don’t Follow the Leader: Learning From Europe’s Renewable Energy Disaster

America & Canada Get Serious & Go Full-Steam Ahead With Nuclear Renaissance

Nuclear power’s timely renaissance is being led by Canada and the US, with plenty of others following suit. Any country that’s serious about reliable and affordable electricity is getting serious about nuclear power. Britain is crab-walking away from its offshore wind power disaster, with its government recently announcing plans to pump up nuclear power generation, … Continue reading America & Canada Get Serious & Go Full-Steam Ahead With Nuclear Renaissance