New York Con-Job: Trillion Dollar Batteries Not Included In All-Renewables Hoax

The wind and solar scam attracts scoundrels, whose audacity is matched by their capacity to spin fantastic tales. One of which is the claim that giant batteries are all that’s needed to deliver an all wind and sun powered future. It’s a fiction, to be sure. But, as the old propaganda adage has it, the … Continue reading New York Con-Job: Trillion Dollar Batteries Not Included In All-Renewables Hoax

(Un)-Natural Disaster: Industrial Wind Power Wiping Out What’s Left of America’s Wilderness

  Producing electricity at the whims of mother nature means wind power has absolutely no commercial value, at all: strangely, power consumers want electricity as and when they need it, not just when the wind happens to be blowing. Absent massive and endless subsidies, there would be no wind industry. Period. But it gets worse; … Continue reading (Un)-Natural Disaster: Industrial Wind Power Wiping Out What’s Left of America’s Wilderness

War Declared: Wind Power Push Pits New York Governor Against The People

Nothing invokes rage and fury in rural communities like a wind farm comprising dozens and sometimes hundreds of 300 tonne, 200m high monsters. In Germany, locals have expressed their opposition in no uncertain terms by voting 25 to 1 against a giant wind project proposed for their patch of paradise: Renewables ‘Transition’ Hits Roadblock: Germans … Continue reading War Declared: Wind Power Push Pits New York Governor Against The People

Cuomo’s Curse: New York Governor’s $47,000,000,000 Wind & Solar Boondoggle

A decade from now, New Yorkers will rue the day that Andrew Cuomo determined to run their state on chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Like everywhere else that’s attempted to run on sunshine and breezes, New York’s power prices are bound to rocket out of control and its enviable grid reliability will soon become a … Continue reading Cuomo’s Curse: New York Governor’s $47,000,000,000 Wind & Solar Boondoggle