Cuomo’s Curse: New York Governor’s $47,000,000,000 Wind & Solar Boondoggle

A decade from now, New Yorkers will rue the day that Andrew Cuomo determined to run their state on chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Like everywhere else that’s attempted to run on sunshine and breezes, New York’s power prices are bound to rocket out of control and its enviable grid reliability will soon become a … Continue reading Cuomo’s Curse: New York Governor’s $47,000,000,000 Wind & Solar Boondoggle

Big Apple Blackouts: New Yorkers Can Thank Cuomo’s Wind Power Obsession

Add chaotically intermittent wind and solar to your grid and blackouts and load shedding follow, like night follows day. Wind and solar obsessed South Australians know the drill: Déjà Vu (All Over Again): Yet Another Wind Power Output Collapse Plunges 200,000 South Australian Homes into the Dark Ages The unscheduled Earth Hour that hit the … Continue reading Big Apple Blackouts: New Yorkers Can Thank Cuomo’s Wind Power Obsession

Cuomo’s Con-job: Governor’s Bogus Claims About New York’s All Wind & Solar Powered Future

No country has ever powered itself entirely using wind and solar, no country ever will. Andrew Cuomo appears to think that New York State can defy the laws of nature, physics and economics. The Governor is ready to trash his State’s reliable and affordable electricity supply, claiming he can replace it with a ‘system’ powered … Continue reading Cuomo’s Con-job: Governor’s Bogus Claims About New York’s All Wind & Solar Powered Future

Big-Apple Blackouts Loom: Rush to Unreliable Renewables Threatens New York Power Grid

  New Yorkers are about to reap what their wind and solar obsessed Governor, Andrew Cuomo has sown. As South Australians and Germans are acutely aware, adding utterly unreliable and inherently intermittent wind and solar to a power grid, designed entirely around dispatchable sources, leads to chaos. That wind and solar superpower, South Australia, has … Continue reading Big-Apple Blackouts Loom: Rush to Unreliable Renewables Threatens New York Power Grid