Mission Impossible: Why Batteries Can’t Solve Wind & Solar’s Reliability Problem

Reduced to waffling about grid-scale battery storage, the wind and solar industries are having a hard time demonstrating that they have any kind of future, at all. Delusional promoters of the grand wind and solar 'transition' reckon the hopeless intermittency of wind and solar can cured by “storing” it. Pitches include using insanely expensive lithium … Continue reading Mission Impossible: Why Batteries Can’t Solve Wind & Solar’s Reliability Problem

Economic Euthanasia: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Energy Poverty Everywhere

Once upon a time, the object was delivering power to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Not anymore. Chaotically delivered and heavily subsidised wind and solar have another object, and it is not one that their proponents dare speak of. If delivering reliable and affordable power were the object, then no one would be talking about … Continue reading Economic Euthanasia: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Energy Poverty Everywhere

Grand Lunacy: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Designed by Clueless Idiots

Reliable and affordable power supplies were built by engineers not ideologues. As the latter merrily destroy everything the engineers created, it’s worth identifying just how witless these characters are. These clowns would struggle with basic arithmetic, and have no hope when it comes to the laws of physics and principles of economics. No better example … Continue reading Grand Lunacy: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Designed by Clueless Idiots