Atomic Armageddon: Nuclear Power Plan Heralds Demise of Wind & Large-Scale Solar

The overwhelming support for nuclear power among voters, young and old, has wind and solar scammers completely rattled. The move by Australia’s Liberal/National Coalition to back nuclear power ahead of subsidised wind and solar spells doom for the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time. And the scammers know it. Not only tapping into … Continue reading Atomic Armageddon: Nuclear Power Plan Heralds Demise of Wind & Large-Scale Solar

Costly & Pointless Wind Power Subsidies Slammed by Australia’s National Party

**** When STT cranked into gear in December 2012, hammering the wind industry was a fairly lonely occupation: hardly fashionable; a bit like wearing yellow to a funeral, really. Back then, openly questioning the “wonders” of wind power was a guaranteed dinner party showstopper. Nervous hosts – choking on their organic pinot gris – would … Continue reading Costly & Pointless Wind Power Subsidies Slammed by Australia’s National Party