French Lithium Battery Warehouse Explodes In Terrifying Toxic Fireball

Self-immolating lithium-ion batteries spewing toxic smoke is just another part of our grand wind and solar transition. And it’s not just those in service providing deadly pyrotechnic displays (see above the giant Tesla that burned for days in Victoria). Those past their use by dates are also giving thrilling thermal displays, as they turn their … Continue reading French Lithium Battery Warehouse Explodes In Terrifying Toxic Fireball

Total Bunkum: Why Running On 100% Wind & Solar Is 100% Impossible

No country in the world is running on wind and solar power alone; no country ever will. Calm weather and sunset guarantee it. Every routine collapse in wind and solar power output (for the reasons above) requires the total capacity lost in consequence to come from somewhere, and that ‘somewhere’ is going to be a … Continue reading Total Bunkum: Why Running On 100% Wind & Solar Is 100% Impossible

Grid-Scale Power Storage Myth Busted: Giant Batteries Can’t Save Unreliable Wind & Solar

It only takes a moment’s reckoning to appreciate that the grid-scale storage electricity generated by wind or solar is a perfect nonsense. Those profiting from hopelessly intermittent wind and solar still claim that mega-batteries are the solution to their obvious lack of reliability. Others point to pumped hydro and even ridiculously claim that “excess” wind … Continue reading Grid-Scale Power Storage Myth Busted: Giant Batteries Can’t Save Unreliable Wind & Solar

Storage Stories: Why Giant Batteries Can’t Solve Wind & Solar Power’s Natural Intermittency

It only takes a moment’s reckoning to appreciate that the grid-scale storage electricity generated by wind or solar is a perfect nonsense. It hasn’t occurred anywhere in the world; nor will it. The combined capacity of all of the batteries on Earth would store a trivial 10 minute’s worth of the World’s electricity needs. The … Continue reading Storage Stories: Why Giant Batteries Can’t Solve Wind & Solar Power’s Natural Intermittency

EV Explosion: Get Ready For Toxic & Terrifying Lithium Battery Explosions

As more battery-powered Electric Vehicles hit the road, get ready for fiery explosions to become part of daily life. Lithium-Ion batteries are said to be the Planet’s saviour, but be sure you’re well clear when they explode into toxic fireballs that firefighters can’t extinguish, and which are simply left to burn themselves out. On the … Continue reading EV Explosion: Get Ready For Toxic & Terrifying Lithium Battery Explosions

EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction

Giant lithium-ion batteries are said to be the panacea for the hopeless intermittency of wind and solar; they’re also said to be the backbone for an all-Electric Vehicle future. Neither proposition stands a moment’s scrutiny. The true cost of energy storage using lithium-ion batteries is phenomenal, such that it will never match the scale needed … Continue reading EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction

Terminal Power Policy: California’s Wind & Solar Crusade Destined for Epic Failure

Those claiming that we’ll soon be exclusively powered by wind and solar clearly failed arithmetic. To keep an electricity grid functioning requires a precise volume of power to be generated and transmitted that precisely matches the volume of power consumed, over time and at all times. Sunset and/or calm weather have the, rather obvious, effect … Continue reading Terminal Power Policy: California’s Wind & Solar Crusade Destined for Epic Failure

Rapacious Renewables: How The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Is Devouring the Planet

Crony capitalists aren’t just promoting subsidised wind and solar, they see subsidised Electric Vehicles as yet another means of lining their pockets with taxpayers’ money. The marketing pitch is that this is all for the good of the Planet. Whirling wonders lovingly caressing breezes to capture ‘free energy’; energy-rich sunbeams falling gently onto sheets of … Continue reading Rapacious Renewables: How The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Is Devouring the Planet