Germany’s Manufacturing Industry Destroyed By Wind & Solar Obsession

There’s no better example of how heavily subsidised wind and solar will wreck an economy than Germany. Over the last 20 years, the Germans have destroyed their once reliable and affordable power supplies and ‘replaced’ it with chaotically intermittent wind and solar; but without coal-fired power from Poland and nuclear power from France, Germans would … Continue reading Germany’s Manufacturing Industry Destroyed By Wind & Solar Obsession

Exorbitant ‘Green’ Energy Costs Responsible For German Industry’s Economic Meltdown

The rocketing power prices caused by Germany’s headlong wind and solar rush are crushing its once thriving industries, including outfits like Mercedes-Benz. German households and businesses are already suffering Europe’s highest power prices; following Putin’s assault on Ukraine, German power prices rocketed, further still, hitting a record 40 US cents per kWh. Power rationing is already … Continue reading Exorbitant ‘Green’ Energy Costs Responsible For German Industry’s Economic Meltdown

Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Leaves Germans Suffering Europe’s Highest Power Prices

German power prices, already the highest in Europe, have gone stratospheric. Once Europe’s industrial powerhouse, Germany is fast headed for economic ruin and social disaster. 20 years back, Germany’s Green/Socialist utopians - utterly detached from reality - dreamt up the ‘Energiewende’. However, the purported ‘transition’ to an all-wind and sun-powered future has turned dystopian nightmare. … Continue reading Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Leaves Germans Suffering Europe’s Highest Power Prices

Germany’s Wind & Solar Obsessed Energy ‘Policy’ Is National Economic Suicide

Germany’s energy ‘policy’ reads like a national suicide pact, one that’s delivered a perfectly predictable power pricing and supply catastrophe. For the crippling prices and routine rationing that’s followed, Germans can thank their purported leaders and their unhinged obsession with chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Already suffering Europe’s highest power prices, German households and businesses … Continue reading Germany’s Wind & Solar Obsessed Energy ‘Policy’ Is National Economic Suicide