‘Green’ Energy Obsession Loses Its Glitter: Subsidised Wind & Solar Scam Unmasked

Every good cult needs a mantra. For the anti-progress crowd, it’s the line that ‘green’ is good. However, in the way that Humpty Dumpy could make words mean anything he chose them to mean, ‘green’ has taken on a meaning all of its own. The same goes for the nonsense tag ‘renewable’; there’s nothing renewable … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy Obsession Loses Its Glitter: Subsidised Wind & Solar Scam Unmasked

EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction

Giant lithium-ion batteries are said to be the panacea for the hopeless intermittency of wind and solar; they’re also said to be the backbone for an all-Electric Vehicle future. Neither proposition stands a moment’s scrutiny. The true cost of energy storage using lithium-ion batteries is phenomenal, such that it will never match the scale needed … Continue reading EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction