Zero Sum Game: Nothing Renewable About Mineral & Energy-Hungry Wind & Solar

Wistful children playing in flowery fields beneath fleets of whirling wonders is how the wind industry sells itself. The reality ain’t so pretty. Embedded in every 300 tonne juggernaut is a bevy of minerals and a mountain of energy used to create the feelgood fiction that the kiddies are safely frolicking beneath a truly useful … Continue reading Zero Sum Game: Nothing Renewable About Mineral & Energy-Hungry Wind & Solar

‘Green’ Energy Obsession Loses Its Glitter: Subsidised Wind & Solar Scam Unmasked

Every good cult needs a mantra. For the anti-progress crowd, it’s the line that ‘green’ is good. However, in the way that Humpty Dumpy could make words mean anything he chose them to mean, ‘green’ has taken on a meaning all of its own. The same goes for the nonsense tag ‘renewable’; there’s nothing renewable … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy Obsession Loses Its Glitter: Subsidised Wind & Solar Scam Unmasked

Ethical Vacuum: RE Batteries & All Electric Vehicles Drive Demand For “Blood Minerals”

As the truth gets out, the smugness that comes with owning (and sometimes driving) a Tesla may be harder to maintain than the vehicle itself (see above). The trope has it that soon we’ll all be auto-piloted by EVs charged by electrons lovingly caressed from sunshine and breezes. Although, if that vision is ever realised, … Continue reading Ethical Vacuum: RE Batteries & All Electric Vehicles Drive Demand For “Blood Minerals”

Total Flop: Nothing ‘Inevitable’ About So-called ‘Transition’ to Wind & Solar

A mixture of wishful thinking and childish pipedreams, there’s nothing inevitable about the so-called ‘transition’ to wind and solar - Sunset remains a fixed feature of daily life, as does stubbornly calm weather. But the acolyte and rent seeker would have us believe that these natural phenomena are either trivial obstacles to be overcome - … Continue reading Total Flop: Nothing ‘Inevitable’ About So-called ‘Transition’ to Wind & Solar

EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction

Giant lithium-ion batteries are said to be the panacea for the hopeless intermittency of wind and solar; they’re also said to be the backbone for an all-Electric Vehicle future. Neither proposition stands a moment’s scrutiny. The true cost of energy storage using lithium-ion batteries is phenomenal, such that it will never match the scale needed … Continue reading EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction