Green Dream Delivers Daily Reality: Power Rationing, Blackouts & Rocketing Power Bills

In the fantasy land occupied by green dreamers, the wind is always blowing and the sun is always shining. Not for them the reality of sunset and calm weather. It’s their truth, and they’re sticking with it. Destabilising grids and power markets, chaotically intermittent and heavily subsidised wind and solar may be beloved of crony … Continue reading Green Dream Delivers Daily Reality: Power Rationing, Blackouts & Rocketing Power Bills

Fossil Fuel Renaissance: Australia’s Energy Minister Promotes Coal-Powered Cars

  Just when you thought Australia’s Energy Minister, Josh Frydenberg couldn’t get any more ridiculous, he outdoes himself. Presiding over a self-inflicted power pricing and supply calamity (for which his Liberal/National Coalition is just as culpable as the Green/Labor Alliance that helped set it up), Frydenberg has spent the last fortnight or so pushing all … Continue reading Fossil Fuel Renaissance: Australia’s Energy Minister Promotes Coal-Powered Cars