Emergency First Responders: Fossil Fuels Save Lives Every Single Day

The coronavirus has presented humanity with a variety of challenges, partly pathogenic and partly pathological. Bizarre thinking about energy fits firmly in the latter category. In recent weeks, as countries mourn their dead and seek to get back to business, the climate cult have been making nonsensical claims that our economic resurrection will be made … Continue reading Emergency First Responders: Fossil Fuels Save Lives Every Single Day

Heaven Help Us: Push For More Subsidised & Intermittent Wind & Solar Adds to COVID-19 Chaos

The coronavirus has delivered a global recession, now RE rent seekers want to deliver a truly Great Depression, with desperate calls for even more subsidies for chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Since Britain launched into its wind power obsession in 2002, retail power prices have more than doubled. Which tends to run against the mantra … Continue reading Heaven Help Us: Push For More Subsidised & Intermittent Wind & Solar Adds to COVID-19 Chaos

Climate Cult Claims More Chaotically Intermittent Wind & Solar Solution to Coronavirus Recovery

Efforts to wreck power supplies by forcing us to rely on sunshine and breezes share a few parallels with the panic-driven response to COVID-19. The threat of imminent doom (real enough for some vulnerable individuals in one case and fictional in the other); lots of self-appointed ‘experts’ dictating the terms (usually well outside their given … Continue reading Climate Cult Claims More Chaotically Intermittent Wind & Solar Solution to Coronavirus Recovery

Renewables Deliver Grid Chaos As COVID-19 Lockdown Slashes Power Demand

Across the globe, all manner of businesses have been forced to shut their doors and their owners and employees now find themselves in forced lockdown at home, devouring Netflix and junkfood delivered by Uber-eats. The COVID-19 responses might vary in severity country by country, but the wholesale reduction in air-travel, transport, traffic, the movement of … Continue reading Renewables Deliver Grid Chaos As COVID-19 Lockdown Slashes Power Demand

Jobs Freeze: America’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Crushed By COVID-19 – 100,000 Sacked

So-called ‘green’ jobs are a case of easy come, easy go. The wind and solar ‘industries’ that gave birth to those jobs simply can’t survive without massive and endless subsidies, which means their days are numbered. With the axe being taken to subsidies across the globe, their ultimate demise is a matter of when, not … Continue reading Jobs Freeze: America’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Crushed By COVID-19 – 100,000 Sacked

Recession Buster: Australia’s Economic Recovery Depends On Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power

  A Chinese virus has taken up where Australia’s suicidal energy policies left off; crushing the entire economy, rather than just energy hungry industries, like manufacturing and mineral processing. Well, in truth, it’s the political reaction to COVID-19 that’s done the damage, rather than the pathogen itself. Having destroyed the hospitality and tourism sectors overnight, … Continue reading Recession Buster: Australia’s Economic Recovery Depends On Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power

Climate Cult Hijacks COVID-19 Crisis By Demanding More Subsidies For Wind & Solar

It didn’t take them long. The climate cult has hijacked the COVID-19 crisis, demanding more subsidies for wind and solar. Apparently, more windmills and solar panels will operate like some kind of collective vaccine against the coronavirus. Never mind that the worst affected COVID-19 victims need to be admitted to ICUs and hooked up to … Continue reading Climate Cult Hijacks COVID-19 Crisis By Demanding More Subsidies For Wind & Solar

Fossil Fuelled Salvation: Costly & Unreliable Wind & Solar No Answer To COVID-19 Shut Down

Barely weeks ago, they were gluing themselves to roads, crying ‘doom’ if we didn’t ditch fossil fuels altogether. Oh, the irony. Now, with human beings facing a real and present threat in the form of a novel coronavirus, it’s fossil fuels that offer mankind its only serious hope. Whether it’s the medicines, medical equipment, PPE … Continue reading Fossil Fuelled Salvation: Costly & Unreliable Wind & Solar No Answer To COVID-19 Shut Down