Emergency First Responders: Fossil Fuels Save Lives Every Single Day

The coronavirus has presented humanity with a variety of challenges, partly pathogenic and partly pathological. Bizarre thinking about energy fits firmly in the latter category. In recent weeks, as countries mourn their dead and seek to get back to business, the climate cult have been making nonsensical claims that our economic resurrection will be made … Continue reading Emergency First Responders: Fossil Fuels Save Lives Every Single Day

Start Me Up: Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power Only Path to Economic Recovery

  The Australian businesses under threat from insane renewable energy policies and rocketing power prices, have been finished off by government enforced lockdowns. With the Federal government outlining a plan to, ever so gradually, lift its COVID-19 restrictions on business, life and liberty, talk has inevitably turned to resuscitating an economy on life support. Earlier during … Continue reading Start Me Up: Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power Only Path to Economic Recovery

Renewables Deliver Grid Chaos As COVID-19 Lockdown Slashes Power Demand

Across the globe, all manner of businesses have been forced to shut their doors and their owners and employees now find themselves in forced lockdown at home, devouring Netflix and junkfood delivered by Uber-eats. The COVID-19 responses might vary in severity country by country, but the wholesale reduction in air-travel, transport, traffic, the movement of … Continue reading Renewables Deliver Grid Chaos As COVID-19 Lockdown Slashes Power Demand