Economic Euthanasia: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Energy Poverty Everywhere

Once upon a time, the object was delivering power to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Not anymore. Chaotically delivered and heavily subsidised wind and solar have another object, and it is not one that their proponents dare speak of. If delivering reliable and affordable power were the object, then no one would be talking about … Continue reading Economic Euthanasia: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Energy Poverty Everywhere

Germany’s Monumental Wind & Solar Power Fail Delivers Total Economic Disaster

Ideological experiments come in all shapes and sizes, but Germany’s wind and solar craze is monumental - a monumental environmental, economic and social disaster, to put it mildly. Suffering routine power rationing, mass blackouts and Europe’s highest power prices is only just the pointy end of what Germany’s boffins called the ‘Energiewende’, which was touted … Continue reading Germany’s Monumental Wind & Solar Power Fail Delivers Total Economic Disaster

Coal-Fired Power Rescues Germany From Failed Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Germans have worked out that relying on the weather for your power has one major problem: “The Weather”. They’ve even coined a term for gloomy, windless weather - ‘dunkelflaute’ - periods of days or weeks when their more than 30,000 wind turbines and millions of solar panels produce next to nothing or nothing at all. … Continue reading Coal-Fired Power Rescues Germany From Failed Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Total Calamity: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ On Collision Course With Bitter Reality

If what has been done to energy policy was the work of outside forces, it’d be called an ‘act of war’. Sadly, it’s all from the home team and better described as ‘outright treason.’ Australia is, without doubt, the most over governed country on earth, with more mouthpieces and slackers per head of population than … Continue reading Total Calamity: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ On Collision Course With Bitter Reality

Energy ‘Transition’ Built On Grand Delusion That Wind & Solar Power Is Cheap & Reliable

War is peace’, ‘freedom is slavery’ and ‘wind and solar power are cheap and reliable’. Big Brother and his Ministry of Truth would, no doubt, approve of the approach taken by rent-seeking crony capitalists and their political enablers to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind, and the impression that the sun shines 24 … Continue reading Energy ‘Transition’ Built On Grand Delusion That Wind & Solar Power Is Cheap & Reliable

Why Naturally Intermittent Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Europeans with any sense have woken up to the fact that the much-touted wind and solar ‘transition’ is a cruel hoax driven by cynical crony capitalists and their political enablers. Driven by starry-eyed ideology, rather than sound engineering and economics, the great ‘green’ reset fell apart because households, businesses and industries aren’t prepared to limit … Continue reading Why Naturally Intermittent Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Night-Time & Calm Weather: Why Intermittent Wind & Solar Are Driving Power Prices Into Orbit

Chaotically intermittent wind and solar are at the heart of surging retail power bills. As wind and solar generation capacity increases, so do power prices. Call it an ‘immutable law’. No country that’s made any serious commitment to 'transitioning' to the ‘unreliables’ has seen power prices fall. No, the evidence is all the other way … Continue reading Night-Time & Calm Weather: Why Intermittent Wind & Solar Are Driving Power Prices Into Orbit

Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Forces Poor to Transfer Their (Meagre) Wealth to the (Already) Wealthy

The grand wind and solar scam was designed so a few get to profit outrageously at the expense of the many - and they’re called ‘rent seekers’ for good reason: Rent-seeking is an economic concept that occurs when an entity seeks to gain wealth without any reciprocal contribution of productivity. An example of rent-seeking is … Continue reading Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Forces Poor to Transfer Their (Meagre) Wealth to the (Already) Wealthy

‘Green’ Devolution: Why The Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Guarantees Dark & Dismal Future

These days it takes some time and effort to explain to millennials what it was to have power on tap, whatever the weather, at prices everyone could afford. However, if the so-called wind and solar ‘transition’ continues unchecked, a generation from now, talk about having electricity as and when we need it - and being … Continue reading ‘Green’ Devolution: Why The Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Guarantees Dark & Dismal Future

Reliable & Affordable Energy Is Life Itself: Why Wind & Solar Are Making Us All Worse Off

Deprive a well-fed Westerner of energy for more than a few hours and you’ll get their attention. The reliable and affordable power supplies that we’ve taken for granted were built up over a century. A raft of suicidal energy policies introduced in the last 20 years will have them destroyed before this decade is out. … Continue reading Reliable & Affordable Energy Is Life Itself: Why Wind & Solar Are Making Us All Worse Off