Wind & Solar Scammers’ Propaganda Pitch Attempts to Bury Community Opposition

The wind and solar scam has always benefited from the MSM’s gooey-eyed love of ‘renewable energy’, as they parrot it. Most hacks and commentators are nothing more than propagandists. And they have been at it for more than 20 years, which means it takes some effort to peel away the lies, myths and hyperbole and … Continue reading Wind & Solar Scammers’ Propaganda Pitch Attempts to Bury Community Opposition

Hostility Mounts: Rural Communities Ready to Explode Against Wind & Solar Onslaught

Visit any rural community targeted for industrial wind turbines and solar panels and/or the transmission lines needed to support them, and the rage is truly palpable. Faced with hundreds of 280m high, 300 tonne turbines speared into pristine bush and prime farmland, seas of solar panels - that seemingly stretch to the horizon - and … Continue reading Hostility Mounts: Rural Communities Ready to Explode Against Wind & Solar Onslaught

Locals’ War Against Industrial Wind Power Spreading Like Turbines On Fire

America’s rural communities hate industrial wind power with a passion and they fight. Well-organised and litigious, since 2015 America’s community defenders have knocked out over 600 industrial scale wind and solar projects, so far – see Robert Bryce’s Renewable Rejection Database. And they’re not about to let up. A wind power outfit backed by the … Continue reading Locals’ War Against Industrial Wind Power Spreading Like Turbines On Fire