Planned For Failure: Shutdown Coal-Fired Power Plants & Get Ready For Blackouts

Power grids are finally balanced affairs that were never designed for the haphazard occasional delivery of wind and solar. Maintaining voltage and frequency within critical defined tolerances is a cinch with conventional generators, like nuclear, gas and coal-fired plants, which deliver the goods, around-the-clock and irrespective of the weather. Around 20 years ago, deranged zealots … Continue reading Planned For Failure: Shutdown Coal-Fired Power Plants & Get Ready For Blackouts

Real Contenders: Coal & Gas-Fired Power Still Dominate America’s Electricity Grid

The same wind and solar-obsessed ideology that wrecked Germany’s power supply is on clear display in the USA. If massive and seemingly endless subsidies to wind and solar aren’t enough to destroy reliable and affordable power supplies we’ve enjoyed for generations o their own, then the wind and sun cult amp it up with arbitrary … Continue reading Real Contenders: Coal & Gas-Fired Power Still Dominate America’s Electricity Grid

Damned By Their Silence: What Happened to the Grid Engineers Who Fought For Reliable Power?

Engineers built reliable and affordable power supplies; ideologues obsessed with intermittent wind and solar are rapidly dismantling them. Why engineers allowed that to happen is something of a mystery. Sure, renewable energy rent-seekers have exploited opportunities created around ‘saving the planet’ by purportedly ridding it of man-made carbon dioxide gas by using wind turbines and … Continue reading Damned By Their Silence: What Happened to the Grid Engineers Who Fought For Reliable Power?

Renewables Reckoning: Closing Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Plants Guarantees Grid Collapse

Thanks to an obsessional reliance on wind and solar, Australia’s power grid has all the structural integrity of a house of cards. Based on the delusion that weather-dependent wind and weather and sunshine-dependent solar can actually replace coal-fired power, Australia’s energy policy is deliberately designed to wipe out coal-fired power plants, once and for all. … Continue reading Renewables Reckoning: Closing Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Plants Guarantees Grid Collapse

Renewables Cult Accuse Weather of Conspiring Against Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Ideologues are quick to find a conspiracy, whenever their pet belief ultimately fails. So it is with the renewables cult - accusing mother nature of dishing up “dark doldrums”, or “dunkelflaute” (as the Germans call it) - with seemingly increasing regularity. Cloudy, calm weather is seen as a curse, and the lengthy absence of suitably … Continue reading Renewables Cult Accuse Weather of Conspiring Against Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Why Naturally Intermittent Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Europeans with any sense have woken up to the fact that the much-touted wind and solar ‘transition’ is a cruel hoax driven by cynical crony capitalists and their political enablers. Driven by starry-eyed ideology, rather than sound engineering and economics, the great ‘green’ reset fell apart because households, businesses and industries aren’t prepared to limit … Continue reading Why Naturally Intermittent Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Total Frauds: Routine Collapses Mean Wind & Solar Deliver Net Zero Power On Daily Basis

Calm weather and sunset will do it every time, smashing wind and solar output and claims that we’re already headed for an all wind and sun powered future. Believe the narrative run by the MSM on behalf of the wind and solar rent seekers and their political enablers, you’d think we’ve already reached our ‘green’ … Continue reading Total Frauds: Routine Collapses Mean Wind & Solar Deliver Net Zero Power On Daily Basis

Power On: Wind and Solar Are No Substitute for Real Dependable Energy

It only takes a moment's consideration to understand why wind and solar will never amount to meaningful power sources. Sunset is a daily phenomenon and repeated bouts of extended calm weather occur with remarkable regularity. While there’s plenty of lip service paid to the ‘inevitable’ renewable energy transition, the reality bites every day. Always clear … Continue reading Power On: Wind and Solar Are No Substitute for Real Dependable Energy

Government’s Grid Fix: Power Consumers Forced to Pay Coal-Fired Plants to Remain Online

  Having gouged $billions from power consumers and taxpayers to subsidise hopelessly unreliable wind and solar, the Federal government wants us to pay $millions more to undo the damage done to our once reliable power supply by its Renewable Energy Target. The point and purpose of subsidies and mandated targets favouring wind and solar was … Continue reading Government’s Grid Fix: Power Consumers Forced to Pay Coal-Fired Plants to Remain Online

Death Defying: Big Freeze Reveals Insanity of Relying on Weather-Dependent Wind & Solar

The northern hemisphere turns on bitter winters - getting wind turbines and solar panels to turn on in the midst of one, is another matter. Freezing Germans, desperate for coal-fired power, are probably having a good, hard think about their obsession with ‘green’ energy. Freezing Americans have already had a taste of their wind and … Continue reading Death Defying: Big Freeze Reveals Insanity of Relying on Weather-Dependent Wind & Solar