Real Environmentalists Back Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

The faux environmentalist is easy to spot: he loves industrial wind power and couldn’t care less about the environmental destruction it causes. Faced with the rampant slaughter of birds and bats, he initially denies the evidence and then pushes the moral equivalence button, claiming that more birds are killed by cats, cars and skyscrapers. Ignoring … Continue reading Real Environmentalists Back Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Aboriginal Communities Unite to Stop These Things Wrecking Precious Animal Habitat

The wind industry’s planet saving methods include trashing pristine tropical rainforest and smashing the critters that once peacefully inhabited those forests, including Australia’s iconic koala. In our recent post - Licenced Exterminators: Government Greenlights Wind Industry’s Mass Koala Kill - we noted the instructions given by a wind farm operator to construction workers in dealing … Continue reading Aboriginal Communities Unite to Stop These Things Wrecking Precious Animal Habitat

Licenced Exterminators: Government Greenlights Wind Industry’s Mass Koala Kill

As the wind industry rips up huge tracts of Australia’s wilderness, including pristine tropical forests, the iconic koala is literally for the chop. The wind industry treats the koala as yet another expendable critter - just like whales, dolphins, eagles, hawks, bats and more. The US offshore wind industry has been given the green light … Continue reading Licenced Exterminators: Government Greenlights Wind Industry’s Mass Koala Kill