Wind & Solar ‘Transition’: Gambling With Other Peoples’ Money And Always Losing

Squandering $billions on chaotically intermittent wind and solar is the cornerstone of the policy said to deliver the grand energy transition. Not that we have any say in the matter, but, if given the choice of paying rent-seekers to carpet the country in even more solar panels and wind turbines or joining the political malefactors … Continue reading Wind & Solar ‘Transition’: Gambling With Other Peoples’ Money And Always Losing

Grand Enviro-Scandal: Wind Industry Delivers (Dead) Whale Watching Tourism Bonanza

Thanks to the offshore wind industry, it's never been easier to get up close and personal with rare and endangered whales. Never before has the general public been able to walk along the shoreline and find their favourite beach routinely littered with a steady stream of cetacean carcasses. Call it ‘eco-tourism’, with a twist. Some … Continue reading Grand Enviro-Scandal: Wind Industry Delivers (Dead) Whale Watching Tourism Bonanza