Why Intermittent Wind & Solar Always Deliver Higher Power Prices

Looking to thank someone for your latest power bill, then look no further than subsidised wind and solar. The ‘unreliables’ are the principal reason why retail power bills are rising at unprecedented rates. Behind the curtain, there are a number of forces at work which, over the last decade or so, have entirely upended the … Continue reading Why Intermittent Wind & Solar Always Deliver Higher Power Prices

Hard Lessons From Britain’s ‘Green’ Energy Disaster Freely Available For All

The fool learns from his own experience, the wise tend to learn from the experience of others. In that respect, Britain provides the perfect opportunity for students of energy policy to avoid their very own self-inflicted wind and solar calamity. Britain went all in with its grand offshore wind experiment - accordingly, power prices rocketed … Continue reading Hard Lessons From Britain’s ‘Green’ Energy Disaster Freely Available For All

Power Grab: Struggling British Households Forced to Install Pre-Paid Smart Meters

With power prices soaring out of control, it’s little wonder that thousands of British families can’t afford electricity. Every time Britain is hit with a bout of calm weather, wholesale power prices go through the roof. In response to soaring wholesale power prices, the retail price cap that kept a lid on power bills over … Continue reading Power Grab: Struggling British Households Forced to Install Pre-Paid Smart Meters

RE-Treat: Europe’s Repeated Wind & Solar Failures Force Renewable Energy Reversal

Germany and Britain are so heavily dependent on wind and solar, that gloomy, windless weather now presents an existential threat. The Germans have even coined a word for it: ‘dunkelflaute’. If mass blackouts during freezing winter weather weren’t a threat to millions of lives, it would almost be comical. What’s occurred is the perfect example … Continue reading RE-Treat: Europe’s Repeated Wind & Solar Failures Force Renewable Energy Reversal

Wind Power Collapses During Calm Weather Means Soaring Power Prices & Power Rationing

The British like to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’, but panic sets in when calm weather hits and wind power output hits the floor. What follows is another round of opportunistic price gouging by the owners of Britain’s gas-fired power plants, and remaining coal-fired plants, able to charge ludicrous amounts for electricity simply because they’re … Continue reading Wind Power Collapses During Calm Weather Means Soaring Power Prices & Power Rationing

Misery Guaranteed: Net Zero CO2 Emissions Targets Mean Taxing Prosperity Out of Existence

As the wind and solar ‘transition’ implodes, the response is to tax the life out of anything still moving, crushing power consumers and taxpayers in the bargain. Ronald Reagan’s quip about how governments treat their economies: “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it” is … Continue reading Misery Guaranteed: Net Zero CO2 Emissions Targets Mean Taxing Prosperity Out of Existence

Subsidised Suicide: Wind & Solar Power Chaos Driving Britain’s Rocketing Power Prices

Britain’s power consumers are paying a heavy price for its maniacal obsession with intermittent wind and solar. Trashing its coal-fired power fleet and failing to keep up its nuclear plants now looks positively suicidal. However, of late, the MSM has been dishing up an alternative reality, peddling a line that power prices would be a … Continue reading Subsidised Suicide: Wind & Solar Power Chaos Driving Britain’s Rocketing Power Prices

Power Prices: With Wind & Solar Obsession – The Only Way Is Up and Up and Up

Rocketing power prices is one inevitable consequence of the so-called ‘inevitable’ wind and solar transition. Germans know it, so do Californians, South Australians and Danes. Brits are learning fast, too. Of course, the propaganda units that run cover for renewable energy rent seekers pretend otherwise. Francis Menton wades through their dross to reveal what Europe’s … Continue reading Power Prices: With Wind & Solar Obsession – The Only Way Is Up and Up and Up

Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means End of Reliable & Affordable Power – Forever

The destruction of once reliable and affordable electricity supplies is so evidently deliberate, it can no longer be put down to ignorance, alone. Nothing but brazen ideology sits beneath the claim that we are a heartbeat away from a transition to an all wind and sun powered future. We are continually told that, putting aside … Continue reading Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means End of Reliable & Affordable Power – Forever

Don’t Follow The Leader: How To Avoid Britain’s Wind & Solar Energy Disaster (Just Stop Now)

Britain’s power consumers (or what’s left of them) are brewing for a full-scale revolt. 12 months ago, the average annual energy bill was £1,400 ($2,400). Energy industry analyst Cornwall Insight forecasts that the British price cap will skyrocket and the average annual bill will reach £3,582 ($6,177) next month. By January, it predicts it will … Continue reading Don’t Follow The Leader: How To Avoid Britain’s Wind & Solar Energy Disaster (Just Stop Now)