Why Heavily Subsidised & Utterly Unreliable Wind & Solar Will Wreck Your Economy

The wind and solar cult will never admit it, but coal-fired power is the backbone of Australia’s electricity grid. Without it, this country would descend into Stone Age chaos in next to no time. With the announcement that another reliable coal-fired power plant will be shuttered in a few years’ time, the response from our … Continue reading Why Heavily Subsidised & Utterly Unreliable Wind & Solar Will Wreck Your Economy

S-O-S: Coal-Fired Power Only Answer to Australia’s Power Pricing & Supply Calamity

  Faced with rocketing power prices and a grid on the brink of collapse, the Morrison Federal government remains committed to the policies that caused the debacle. Instead of ensuring the survival of Australia’s extensive coal-fired power fleet and building new High Efficiency Low Emissions coal-plants, the PM and his Energy Minister have selected a … Continue reading S-O-S: Coal-Fired Power Only Answer to Australia’s Power Pricing & Supply Calamity

Jobs First: Australian Workers Unite to Slam Unreliable Wind & Solar and Push for Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Workers unions have worked out that the key to reversing soaring unemployment is reliable and affordable power. One of Australia’s most powerful, the CFMEU has slammed chaotic wind and solar as too costly and unreliable to power anything - except virtue signalling egos. Instead, itys Victorian Mining and Energy Division has laid down an altogether … Continue reading Jobs First: Australian Workers Unite to Slam Unreliable Wind & Solar and Push for Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Shredded: Debunking The Endless Myths Pitched by Renewable Energy Propagandists

The bigger the lie, the more likely the dupe will believe it, which is the game played by renewable energy rent seekers with the line that subsidised wind and solar are the answer to our economic recovery. Just how that might work, is anybody’s guess? If heavy reliance on intermittent wind and solar sent power … Continue reading Shredded: Debunking The Endless Myths Pitched by Renewable Energy Propagandists

JobSeeker: Australia’s Economic Recovery Demands End to Subsidies For Unreliable Wind & Solar

Putting a million Australians back to work requires a complete overhaul of Australia’s suicidal energy policies. The Federal and State government dictated coronavirus lockdowns have delivered Australia’s first recession in over 30 years; unemployment rates - already climbing - are set to skyrocket when the JobKeeper employment subsidy to businesses runs out in September; close … Continue reading JobSeeker: Australia’s Economic Recovery Demands End to Subsidies For Unreliable Wind & Solar

Recession Buster: Australia’s Economic Recovery Depends On Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power

  A Chinese virus has taken up where Australia’s suicidal energy policies left off; crushing the entire economy, rather than just energy hungry industries, like manufacturing and mineral processing. Well, in truth, it’s the political reaction to COVID-19 that’s done the damage, rather than the pathogen itself. Having destroyed the hospitality and tourism sectors overnight, … Continue reading Recession Buster: Australia’s Economic Recovery Depends On Cheap & Reliable Coal-Fired Power